University Archives & Special Collections
Welcome to Eastern Washington University Archives and Special Collections digital reading room. Documents available here focus on University and regional history. Our regional history collections include collections on Cheney and Spokane County, Grand Coulee Dam, and transportation in the Inland Northwest.
If you have any questions about these documents or our physical collections, please contact us at:
University Archives & Special Collections
100 LIB, 320 Media Lane
Cheney, WA 99004-2453
Email: archives@ewu.edu
Phone: 509.359.2475
Please also visit our webpage at https://www.ewu.edu/library/ewu-archives-special-collections/.
Browse the University Archives & Special Collections:
Eastern Washington University Digital History Collections
- Academic Affairs
- Alumni Publications
- Board of Trustees Records
- Campus School
- Carlos Maldonado Photographs
- Cheney State Normal School Physical Education Scrapbook
- Commencement Programs
- Course Catalogs
- Departments and Programs
- Eastern Washington University Oral Histories
- Ellen H. Richards Club Scrapbook
- EWU Buildings and Grounds
- EWU Football Programs
- EWU Individuals
- EWU Modern Era Stills
- EWU Student Life and Activities
- George W. Lotzenhiser Papers
- James Wolff Photographs
- Julia Louella Anno Collection
- Life During COVID: Preserving Personal Pandemic Stories
- Student Newspapers
- Student Recruiting and Handbooks
- University History Resources
- Women of a Small College Town Oral Histories
- Yearbooks
- 99s Northwest Section Records
- Allan T. Scholz Papers
- Ceylon S. Kingston Papers
- Columbian (Grand Coulee Dam newsletter)
- Communities of the Inland Northwest
- Coons, Shotwell, Clark and Associates Expo ’74 Photographs
- George Spangle Family Album Photographs
- Harold C. Whitehouse Ecclesiastical Architecture
- Historic Images of Cheney, WA
- Hubert Blonk Photographs of Grand Coulee Dam
- Inland Automobile Association
- James Jewell Papers
- Michael J. Denuty Photographs
- Organization of Indian Salmon Fishing in Western North America
- Otis Willard Freeman Photograph Collection
- Pacific Northwest Forum
- Pacific Railroad Survey Prints
- Publications from Special Collections
- Robert W. Gillette World War II Scrapbooks
- Spokane Area Glass Negative Collection
- Spokane County Racial Housing Covenants
- Thomas Kreutz Spokane Area Railroad Photographs
- Thomas L. Evans Civil War Correspondence
- National Smokejumper Association Meeting Minutes
- Publications on Smokejumping
- Smokejumper and Static Line Magazines
- Smokejumper Base Crew Portraits
- Smokejumper Biographies by Rookie Year
- Smokejumper Obituaries
- Smokejumper photographers’ collections
- Smokejumpers: Firefighters from the Sky
- Tom Carlsen Films on Smokejumping
- Trails Reports
- Triple Nickle Photographs from the National Archives
- USFS Parachute Experiment Photographs, Winthrop, 1939
- Videos on smokejumping