Tom Carlsen Films on Smokejumping | Smokejumper Digital Archive | Eastern Washington University
Tom Carlsen Films on Smokejumping
The Tom Carlsen Films on Smokejumping consist of five reels of 16mm film containing footage dating from 1939 to the 1940s or 1950s. The film contain footage on the history of smokejumping in the United States and smokejumping techniques. The three reels of color film in the series were created by the United States Forest Service, Division of Fire Control to provide information on smokejumper training, techniques, and technology. These films were transferred to Eastern Washington University via the National Smokejumper Association and were digitized by George Blood Audio Visual.


Submissions from 1950

Smokejumper training film, United States. Forest Service. Division of Fire Control and Tom Carlsen

Smokejumper training film on ground training, United States. Forest Service. Division of Fire Control and Tom Carlsen

Smokejumper training film on steering and let downs, United States. Forest Service. Division of Fire Control and Tom Carlsen

Submissions from 1943

Smokejumper training shots, United States. Forest Service and Tom Carlsen

Submissions from 1940

Aerial Smokechasers, United States. Forest Service and Tom Carlsen
