In August 1993, the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) published the first issue of its quarterly newsletter, Static Line. This title was renamed Smokejumper Magazine in October 1999. This newsletter contains articles about former smokejumpers, fires, and smokejumper history. It also describes the activities of the NSA.
According to The NSA website, the NSA is "dedicated to preserving the history and lore of smokejumping, maintaining and restoring our nation's forest and rangeland resources and responding to the special needs of smokejumpers and their families."
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2025
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine, contains the following articles: Message from the President; Ring of Fire: The Gobi Part II; A Smokejumper's Memory; Fire Town USA; The One I'd Like to Forget; Quartz Lake, Alaska, 1965; Basics of Military Contracting Work; Message from Lori Messenger; A Smokejumper's Western Legacy; No One Left to Say "I'm Sorry"; Introducing the 2024 NSA Scholarships Recipients; Feedback From the Field; My Dad Was Also on the Bataan Death March; Smokejumpers Who Left; North Needs to Fix Forest Fuels; Sounding Off; Notes From the Ranks; Odds and Ends; The Jump List; NSA Fund Contributions; Chasing Trains; National Smokejumpers Reunion Announcement (June 20-23, 2025).
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2024
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine, contains the following articles: Message from the President; Roger Savage Earns Master's with Historical Jump Database; Ode to My Friend Rod McIver; Milsy's Last Jump; Goat Mountain Fire; Ring of Fire: The Gobi 1966 - Pt. 1; Remembering Steve Wight; Mountain Pine Beetle and Forest Management; Ben Musquez: Vietnam Veteran, Airborne, Smokejumper; Odds and Ends; We All Need to Know Our Smokejumper History; "Animal Ed" Weissenback: The Final Chapter; Notes from the Ranks; The Sleeping Child Fire; Sounding Off from the Editor; Off the List; Three Benjamins; Catastrophic Reburns Threaten Forest Towns; New Faces; The Jump List; Environmental Lawsuits Have Direct Effect on Mortality; Legacy of the Siskiyou Smokejumpers Burns Bright; Rookie Observations; NSA Fund Contributions.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2024
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine, contains the following articles: Message from the President; A Tribute to a Smokejumper; Down the Yukon Alone; North Cascades Pararescue Operations, 1957-1989; What Happened to America's Middle Class?; How Bobby Montoya Saved My Life; GAC Goats; The Burning of Ruth; Gone But Not Forgotten: South Canyon Fire; Just Keep Them From Burning the Place Down; Remembrances; The Failures of Fire, Law Enforcement, and Other Agencies at the Lahaina, Maui, Fire; Sounding Off; Blazing A New Trail; Reflections on Wildland Firefighting; Odds and Ends; Notes from the Ranks; May 1981 Redding Smokejumpers Base; Off the List; NSA Fund Contributions; The Jump List.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2024
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine, contains the following articles: Message from the President; Remembering Mike Silva; Five Elements of Pro-Active Aging; The CIA and Smokejumpers; The Jump List; NEPA and Its Affect on Wildfire Timer Salvage: The Summit Fire of 1996; Sounding Off from the Editor; "Animal Ed"; Why We Wore Whites; Denali Revisited; Dear Current Jumper: An Open Letter; Against All Odds: "Jumping the Umpqua Old Growth with a 50-Foot Letdown Rope"; Redding Smokejumpers; 2023 Al Dunton Leadership Award Selections; Global Warming?; Not Forgotten; Odds and Ends; Notes from the Ranks; Off the List; NSA Fund Contributions.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2024
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine, contains the following articles: Message from the President; NSA/Smokejumper History Update -- Forgotten by His Country; First, Put Out the Fire: Blowtorch Forestry; The Effects of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) on Management of National Forest Lands; The Jump List; Sounding Off from the editor; Who Is To Blame, and What Happened?; One Eye Fire -- Fifty Fire Seasons Ago -- Training Interrupted Rookie Class Jumps First Fire After Five Training Jumps; Speak Softly and Plant Big Trees: American Foreign Policy for the 21st Century; Introducing You to the 2023 NSA Scholarship Awardees; Introducing You to the 2023-2024 NSA Education / Training Grant Awardees; Leo Cromwell -- One of the Best; NSA Supports Wildland Firefighter Paycheck Protection Act; Odds and Ends; Climbing in Alaska, Argentina, and Africa; Notes from the Ranks; Lookout; Off the List; Hotshot Crew Members Killed in the Line of Duty; Seven Days with the Grizzly; Lessons from Frank.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2023
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine, contains the following articles: Message from the President; A Smokejumper's Ethical Challenge; Erne Abides: A Ghost Story; Response to Conor Hogan's "Defending the Tribe"; The Jump List: Men of 1957; Sounding Off from the Editor; Honoring the Mann Gulch Smokejumpers on the 75th Anniversary; Mr. Larry Looney Was My 7th Grade Teacher; Jerry Ogawa -- Breakfast in Fairbanks; Yergy's Sauna 1973-2023 Is 50 Years Old; The Muster at Massanutten; Odds and Ends; Jumping into Fire in Twisp 2023; Lost on the Seward Peninsula Alaska; Notes from the Rands; Men and Women That Don't Fit In; Off the List; Not Forgotten.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2023
National Smokejumper Association
Message from the President; Denali, the Great One—An Early Ascent of North America's Highest Peak; The Jump List; Motorcycles Are Not Approved for Packouts; Randy Hurst; Small Town Connections; Lost Horizons; Odds and Ends; Whites OFF The Breaks; Moose Tracks in the Timber; Notes from the Ranks; Sounding Off from the Editor; Jack Demmons Remembered; Fighting Wildfire During Extreme Burning Conditions; "Too Steep and Too Rough"; Off the List; Not Forgotten; Public Involvement; So - Is There a Fee?; Fire Jumps in One Season; The Legend of Black Water Canyon;
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2023
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Static Line, contains the following articles: Message from the President; 1958: The Best Summer Ever Part 2: Tanoak and the Old Glory Fire; Defending the Tribe; Landowners File Suits Against USFS—Chetco Bar Fire Oregon; Recollections of My Rookie Year; Cinnamon Marked the Time; History Preservation..............................................17 Too Steep/Too Roughy—A New Book....................19 Odds and Ends; Input from Jumper Who Lives Outside the City; Moose Creek 1959 "Let's Not Forget; Save Our National Forests with Shaded Fuel Breaks; Touching All Bases; The Rescue Jump for "Animal" Ed Weissenback; Catastrophic Fire Awareness, Prevention, Response, Suppression and Recovery; Sounding Off from the Editor; The Jump List, the Men of 1957; Off the List; Not Forgotten; Remembering Dave Owen;
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2023
National Smokejumper Association
Message from the President; Daren Belsby"Good Luck on Your End of Jumping; The Docent of the Gobi and North Cascades; So, What Goes on Inside a Smokejumper Aircraft?; 1958: The Best Summer Ever Part 1: Aurora Borealis; The Concept of Managed Wildfire; Smokejumper Training Thwarts Hijacking of Pan-Am Clipper 73"Jack Ridgway Story; Mark Corbet, A Remarkable Human Being, Great Smokejumper, and Just "A Real Nice Guy!"; Odds and Ends; Feedback from the 2022 Boise Reunion; The Look; The Salmon River Devil Winds; Higgins Ridge Film Premieres in Missoula; Allen "Mouse" Owen (CJ '70) Legend; Sounding Off from the Editor; A Jumper's Reprieve; The Jump List; Smokejumper Profile; Notes from the Ranks; In Defense of Red Tape: Debunking Several Myths about NEPA; Not Forgotten; A Tribute to Fred Rohrbach;
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2022
National Smokejumper Association
Alex Coolidge Wrestling Champ; Remembering Francis B. "Pappy" Lufkin; Forest Fires and National Defense Policy (2021); "Ve get too soon old, und too late schmart." Letter from Ron Pond; A View of the Largest Wildfi re in the History of New Mexico; Odds and Ends; Wheels Off; Mitch’s Last Jump; Seventy-Seven Years Ago in Smokejumper History; Recording Smokejumper History; 1947 Rookies—The Post WWII Era; NSA History Preservation Project; The Four Texan Fire; Not Forgotten; Final Request; Farewell to "Animal" Ed Weissenback; Getting Old; Sounding Off from the Editor; Doug Houston Memorial; The Jump List, Men of 1955; Mess Hall Crisis—Fairbanks 1964; Dave Nelson 1935—2022—A Good Run; NSA, NFFE, and Grassroots Promotes Benefits for Smokejumpers; Notes from the Ranks; Off the List; Final Request;
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2022
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Message from the President; Militant Environmental Activism; My Year in South Vietnam; "The Mouse that Soared" Book Review; Odds and Ends; National Smokejumper Association Position Statements; Recording Smokejumper History: 1945 Rookies-The End of the Civilian Public Service Years; Dixie Fire Destruction Didn't Have To Happen; Sounding Off from the Editor; Wildland Firefighters Not Served Well by Albuquerque Service Center; "Tell Us About Our Father"; Old Smokejumper Memories of High Mountain Two Jumper Fire; More Smokejumper's Stories (1954-56); Good Sam Funds at Work; NSA Restoring Our Nation's Forests & Rangelands; COVID Was the Leading Cause of Deaths on Wildfires in 2021; The Jump List, Men of the '50s; White's on the Breaks; Notes from the Ranks; Off the List; Idaho City Smokejumper Unit Sign Finds New Home;
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2022
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Message from the President; Standing Tall-Making a Difference: Merv George, Supervisor Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest; Oakus of the Doakus on the Gobi; Odds and Ends; The Homecoming; Recording Smokejumper History; 1944 Rookies-The Civilian Public Service Years; NSA's Most Successful Membership Drive; Sounding Off from the Editor; That First Season-An Almost Love Affair; Siskiyou Rappellers-A Force That Does the Job; Ring of Fire; The Silent Mountain; Gates of the Arctic National Park-Alaska; The Jump List; Travel Air NC8182 Is Flying Again; Pick Your Own Tree; Touching All Bases; Interviews with Smokejumpers Who Left-Most for Local Fire Agency Jobs; Federal Wildland Firefighters-Use And Throw Away; Good Sam Fund and Other Projects At Work; Off the List; Help-We Need You; Candor Fire Observations; Caldor Fire Up Close and Personal;
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2022
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Message from the President; The Last Day; Odds and Ends; A Few Snippets from a Questionable Memory; Civilian Public Service—Smokejumpers; During the War Years; Idaho City Smokejumper—A Bit of History; Smokejumpers and the Olympics; Recording Smokejumper History; 1943 Rookies—The Civilian Public Service; Years; Sounding Off from the Editor; The Bad Old Days; The "Safety Card"; Mega Fires—Guest Opinion; Feedback from Current Fire Situation in; Northern California; The Jump List; Men of the '50s; Happy 100th Birthday, Luke Amon Birky; Eric The Blak’s Magnetic Declination and Water; Scoopers; Livin’ Off the Land; The Coming Firestorms—Opinion Piece; Letter from a Scholarship Winner; Introducing the 2021 NSA Scholarship Awardees; Off the List; Tim Hart’s Death Should Matter; Notes from the Ranks;
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2021
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: A Tribute to Chuck Sheley-A Great Brother; My Story; What Torch?; A Smokejumper's Dream; Recording Smokejumper History; NSA Publishes 4th Book; Sounding Off from the Editor; Civilian Public Service-Smokejumpers During the War Years; Fastest to Get There; Off-Duty Jumpers; Snapshots from the Past; We Need Your Biography; The Jump List- Men of the '50s; The Good Sam Fund-Your Donations at Work; Odds and Ends; More Fires, Less Staffing Taking Toll on Wildland Firefighters; Another Case of Limited Resources-What About the 80 Smokejumpers?; Caring for Our Forests: The Key to Less Destructive Wildfires; Stocking Nugget Lakes By Air; A Gathering on Sacred Ground; Off the List; Living Our Best Life-Reflecting on Smokejumper Tim Hart's Passing; Gallatin Lake Rescue Jump;
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2021
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Message from the President; A Fire Season That Still Haunts Me; 1996 Malheur N.F.; View from a Spotter; Grassroots—Challenges of Being a Current Smokejumper; Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Wildfire; Doug Bell—Missoula 1958; Sounding Off from the Editor; Should You Draw the Short Straw; A New Day for the Forest Service; Complexities of Afghanistan; Notes from the Ranks; Recording Smokejumper History; The Jump List, Men of the '40s; Odds and Ends; Organizations and Human Nature; Jump at the Chance!; Travis Atkins Awarded Medal of Honor; Where Have You Been Hiding, D. B. Cooper?; Ode To Bill Allred—Always Happy, Fun and Humble; Off the List; Good Sam Fund Helps Another Jumper;
Smokejumper Magazine, May 2021
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: The Main Reason for a Special Issue; Good Intentions; Having Correct Email Addresses Is Very Important .3 The Jump List; Odds and Ends; Kevin Norton—Naomi Mills 2020 Dunton Award Winners; Mooned; Two Fools Jump into Three Fools Pass; Off the List; Smokejumpers' Proud Legacy Helping Those Who Come After Them - Including Thousands of Blind Children; Cameron Peak Fire—Largest in Colorado History—Stopped at Old Burn; Pioneers from the Sky; Omar Mountain—My Tenth Jump; First Smokejumpers on the Olympic National Forest; A Memory of a Smokejumper Experience; Recording Smokejumper History;
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2021
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Message from the President; Air America, The Ranch and The Veil of Secrecy; Sounding Off from the Editor; Family; Smokejumper "Flips"; Dick Johnson Best Pilot; Dry Lakes a Fire Use Event-Good Results; Shaky Acres Montana; Recording Smokejumper History; The Jump List; Legacy Jump List-A Call to Smokejumpers; Odds and Ends; The Greiners That I Knew; Former Jumper Builds One of Nation’s Largest Wildland Firefighting Companies; Off the List; Book Review; NSA Good Samaritan Fund Contributions; A Performance/Nutrition Perspective on the Smokejumper Food Box; The Big Rock Candy Mountain; Use of Forest Management to Mitigate Wildfire; Notes from the Ranks;
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2021
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Message from the President; Me and Vietnam; Birth of a Tree Farmer; Sounding Off from the Editor; John McDaniel Retires As NSA Membership Chair; As I Best Remember It; The Jump List; Men of the '40s; Recording Smokejumper History; Four NSA Members Clear Trails In Eagle Cap Wilderness; Odds and Ends; Forest and Fire Management: A Call to Action; Remembering Matt "Blue Leader" Kelley; Off the List; Story of Two Wilderness Fire Firsts: Bad Luck and Fitz Creek; Notes from the Ranks; Introducing You to the 2020 NSA Scholarship Awardees;
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2020
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Message from the President; Part II: Canopies Over the Kandik; Happy 50th, Earth Day!; Sounding Off from the Editor; Letters to the Editor; How I Value My Interagency Working Opportunities with Federal Agencies; On the Road to a National Wildfire Agency: Part III; What Happened?; Then and Now; The Jump List, Men of the '40s; Smokejumper Keep the Flame Legacy Jump List; Recording Smokejumper History; Paradise with a Wind Chill-Part II; A UFO Story; Margarita Phillips Memorial Project by the TRAMPS; A Day in the Lake; Snapshots from the Past; Red Shirt-Green Shirt Patrols; Off the List; he First Time I Met Walt Smith; Odds and Ends; Having Correct Email Addresses Is Very Important; Notes from the Ranks; Book Review.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2020
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Message from the President; Notes from the Ranks; Part I: Canopies Over the Kandik; A National Wildfire Agency: Part II; Smokejumpers and Rappelers in Russia; Managing Forests Properly Is the Key to Preserving These Treasures; Aggressive Forest Management: Why Do We Avoid It?; Wildfire Trends in the US and Adaptation; The Challenge: To Manage Wildfires or Aggressively Put Them Out; It's Time To Get Serious About Utilizing Our Aerial Firefighting Fleet; Letters; Poor Management, Questionable Laws - We’re Paying for Them Now; Citizens Do Not Have The Right To Challenge Poor Gov’t. Decisions-Accountability a Thing of the Past; Blast from the Past; Remembrances of Bob Charley; Off the List; Families, Friends Get First Look at Site of Fatal 1957 Trimotor Crash; Paradise with a Wind Chill; Odds and Ends; Bill Moody Receives Prestigious Award; Lynn and Alberts Selected for Al Dunton Leadership Award; Sounding Off from the Editor; The Indian War of Idaho, Montana, and Canada; Recording Smokejumper History.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2020
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Message from the President; Fighting Fire in Tasmania; Wildfires and Global Warming: A Continuous Cycle of Destruction; Kooskia Days; NSA Scholarship Program Expanded-Take Advantage!; Moose Creek Memorial; Touching All Bases; West Yellowstone Airtanker Base Closure; Off the List; Pendleton Honors the Triple Nickles; Eric Schoenfeld Remembered; Odds and Ends; Alaska Cutters; Feeding the "Beast" with Fire, Money; North Cascades 2019 Reunion; The Run for the Top; National Smokejumper Reunion 2020 June 26-28, 2020 in Boise, Idaho; Sounding Off from the Editor; One Year After the Camp Fire; Smokejumper Keep the Flame Legacy Jump List; The Pink Fire; Recollections of Mann Gulch 70 Years Later; Nicknames; Time To Get in the Door.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2020
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Save a Billion $$ A Year--The New Fire Triangle; Guest Opinion: Defensible Space, A Catch-22; No Available Resources--It's Time to Review Biscuit Fire; On the Road to a National Wildfire Agency, Part 1; Odds and Ends; Oregon Wildfire Response; Smoke from Wildland Fires: Impacts to Public Health; Hey-Anyone Awake Out There?; If It Could Go Wrong, It Did; Blast from the Past; Some Observations on Firefighting in the 21st Century-Let's Not Nitpick Assumptions Here; Sounding Off from the Editor; Hawaii's Medical-Aid-In-Dying Law Eases Former Jumper's Anxiety; Off the List; 2019 NSA Scholarship Recipients; Smokejumper Folklore: 'You Know You're a Smokejumper If ...'; Anthology of a Reluctant Warrior; Mann Gulch 70th Anniversary; The Real Cost of Wildfires; Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2019
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Message from the President; From Pendleton to POW: The Clifford Allen Story; George Gowen: A "Bro" For Sure; Celebrating Sixty Years of Alaska Smokejumping; Odds and Ends; Leadership Part I: Western Hardscrabble; Leadership Part II: The Eastern School of Law; Snapshots from the Past; Safe Zones vs. Evacuation by Roads--There Is a Better Way; Good Intentions and the Road to Hell; Forest Management: A Call to Action or Just a Catchphrase?; Sounding Off from the Editor; Recording Smokejumper History My Years as a Smokejumper--1948-51; Smokejumper Archives Established; Retired Jumper Is Subject of Arizona Radio Article; Oriented Strand Board and Fuel Reduction; Former Smokejumpers Honored for Their Service; John S. Lewis—Honored Smokejumper; My First Fire Jump; Blast from the Past; Afterthoughts Off the List; Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2019
National Smokejumper Association
Message from the President; Smokejumper Defines a Smokejumper; The 2017 Lolo Peak Fire-and Others-They Didn't Have to Happen; In the Shadows of Tora Bora; The Jump List; Jack Price Feature Member; Forest Fire Mitigation and the Potential Profits Involved; "Rosie"; Odds and Ends; Early Redding Smokejumper Days; End of an Era-Not So Fast Partner, Smokejumpers Buy Their Base!; Blast from the Past; Some of a Smokejumper's Stories; First Fire Jump; Snapshots from the Past; Achieving Resilient Forests Through Effective Biomass Uses: Part III; Sounding Off from the Editor; Cuisine of an Idaho Fire Lookout; Smokejumpers Honored, Recognized by Peers; A Short Story about Margarita Phillips; Continued Hiring Problems; Remembering Rich Farmer; The Story of Frank Derry, Inventor of the "Derry Slot"; Final Chapter-Edward J. Weissenback; Off the List; Get a life membership? I Probably Won't Live Long Enough to Make It Pay Off; Joe Kroeber Selected as 2018 TRAMPS Volunteer of the Year; NSA Trails Project New Mexico-August 2018; Thank You Trooper Tom;
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2019
National Smokejumper Association
The Camp Fire-The Future of America’s Wildfires?; Ex-Missoula Smokejumpers Barely Escape California’s Most Destructive Fire; Feedback from Camp Fire Daily Updates; After Losing Home, Fire Survivor and Former Jumper to Guide Low-Vision Runner in Race; Achieving Resilient Forests Through Effective Biomass Uses: Part II; NSA Scholarship Program Expanded-Take Advantage!; Grateful Jumper Says NSA’s Generosity Big Key to His Success; Sounding Off from the Editor; Feedback from the Readers on October and January Issues; All Glory Is Fleeting; Letter from Southern Oregon Resident to Congressman; Concerned Citizen Meets the Dark Side; Sometimes It Takes a Thump Along the Side of Your Head to Catch the Obvious-The 1976 Fire Season As Seen from My Eyes—Part II; Off the List; Tribute to Margarita; Odds and Ends; One Last Drop for Mann Gulch Plane—75th Anniversary of D-Day; Why I’m Proud to be an NSA Member;