In August 1993, the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) published the first issue of its quarterly newsletter, Static Line. This title was renamed Smokejumper Magazine in October 1999. This newsletter contains articles about former smokejumpers, fires, and smokejumper history. It also describes the activities of the NSA.
According to The NSA website, the NSA is "dedicated to preserving the history and lore of smokejumping, maintaining and restoring our nation's forest and rangeland resources and responding to the special needs of smokejumpers and their families."
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2011
National Smokejumper Association and LeRoy Cook
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Incident Over Elk City (Historic), Jerry Dixon Honored, USFS Evaluate Ram-Air Canopies (Mark Belitz), They Flew To Save James Bond (Tony Beltran). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2011
National Smokejumper Association
Hope - Best Tool (LeRoy Cook), Interview with Bob Nicol (Historic Project Coldfeet), Remembering Al Dunton, Farewell For Al Dunton.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2010
National Smokejumper Association and Major Boddicker
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Jon McBride—A Personal Memoir, First Trails Project East Coast, Good Sam Fund help Lusk Family, Edge of Eternity (Major Boddicker—1960s smokejumping), Death of Daniel Twohig remembered, Stan Tate—Smokejumper Chaplain, Tribute to Hal Ewing. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2010
National Smokejumper Association and Chuck Sheley
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Birth of Russian Smokejumping Part IV (Historic), Jump Leader Stats as of Dec. 2009, Summary of Ram-Air Progress, Loren Fessler—The Original CIA Connection? (Chuck Sheley), Submarines and Forest Fires (Japanese attack Siskiyou NF 1942-Historic). Profile Danny On. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2010
National Smokejumper Association, Earl Cooley, Chuck Sheley, and Rufus Robinson
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Smokejumper History Special Issue: Earl Cooley Honored, Early Smokejumper History (Historic-Earl Cooley), First Actual Fire Jump (Historic reprint Rufus Robinson), Second Actual Fire Jump (Historic reprint Earl Cooley), Rufus Robinson—Pioneer Smokejumper (Historic), 1939 Experimental Project—Francis Lufkin (C. Sheley), Reprint of Jim Buden interview with Jim “Smokey” Alexander, Fire Jump Leaders (statistic), First Rescue Jump Recounted, Death of Chet Derry, Pioneer Smokejumper Glenn Smith. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2010
National Smokejumper Association, Josh Voshall, Mark Belitz, and Toby Scott
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Birth of Russian Smokejumping Part III (Historic), Orville Looper (Josh Voshall), USFS Trains on Ram-Air System (Mark Belitz), Project Coldfeet (Historic-Toby Scott), Talking to Trees (LeRoy Cook), Weissenback Memorial Honors MIA, Isle Royale Bridge Commemorates Smokejumper Roger Roth. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2009
National Smokejumper Association, Kris Kristofors, Bernie Weisgerber, and Cecil Hicks
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Birth of Russian Smokejumping Part II (Historic), Charlie Caldwell story (Kris Kristofors), California Retread Program—How it Happened (Historic—Bernie Weisgerber), Alaska 50-Year Reunion (Cecil Hicks), Who Writes 21st Century Jump Stories? (Mark Corbet). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2009
National Smokejumper Association, Mike Hill, Dave Wood, and Bob Graham
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Birth of Russian Smokejumping Part I (Historic), Introducing Afghanistan (Mike Hill), Weissenback (Dave Wood), Wilderness Trimotor Crash (Historic-Bob Graham). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2009
National Smokejumper Association, Ed Dearborn, Johnny Kirkley, and Mike Hill
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: The Fall of Long Tieng (Historic) (Ed Dearborn), Remembering Ed Weissenback, Air America Kicker Reunion (Johnny Kirkley), Off Season in Afghanistan (Mike Hill), Remembering Everett “Sam” Houston. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2009
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles:Historic document CPS-103 jumpers. Profile Jim Klump. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2008
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Jerry Daniels—Too Many Secrets (Historic), (Bob) Derry Keeps Going and Going, Boise Reunion Committee Honors Jumpers and Pilots, Doctor Made House Calls by Parachute (Historic), Historic document CPS 1946, Tribute to Smokey Stover. Profile Walt Pilkey. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2008
National Smokejumper Association, Penn Stohr Jr., and Vern Lattin
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Airport Named After McCall’s 1st Smokejumper Pilot (Penn Stohr Jr.), The Goode Olde Days (Vern Lattin), Eight-Mile Ridge Fire (Historic). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2008
National Smokejumper Association, Jack Ridgway, Denis Breslin, and Joe Rumble
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Commandos and Misery Whips (Jack Ridgway), Marv Amundson article, Gene Hobbs Incident (Historic), I Must Be About Dead (Gene Hobbs accident), “Rescue Dawn” critique (Denis Breslin), Smokejumper Museum (CJ) Looking For Green Light, Life After Smokejumping (Joe Rumble), Death of a Smokejumper (Historic-Tommy Smith accident). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2008
National Smokejumper Association, Ken Hessel, and Bill Yensen
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Been On a Fire With Jerry Daniels? (Ken Hessel), Spotting (Bill Yensen), Tribute to (pilot) Jim Larkin, Dave Crowder remembered. Profile Russian Smokejumper Ivan Novik. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2007
National Smokejumper Association, Starr Jenkins, Ron Stoleson, and Bruce Ford
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Smokejumpers of Silver City (Starr Jenkins), Tribute to Fred Brauer (Ron Stoleson), Pioneer Smokejumper Ed Thorsrud (Historic), Mongolian Smokejumpers (Bruce Ford), critique of movie “Rescue Dawn.” Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2007
National Smokejumper Association, Sheridan Peterson, and Mary Pickett
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Hook Before You Leap (malfunction on fire jump), Troop, Jerry vs Slave Traders (rescue of sister-in-law), D.B. Cooper (Sheridan Peterson), Vietnam: A Country Moving Forward (Mary Pickett), Legendary Pilot Ken Roth Dies. Profile T.J. Thompson. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2007
National Smokejumper Association and Scott Warner
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Dick Tracy: The Best Boss (Scott Warner), The Remarkable Yuri Yushkov (Russian Smokejumper), Paperlegs and the Taj Mahal (Historic), feature Bill Selby. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2007
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Prisoner in Laos Part II (continues in article from October 2006), Remembering Chuck Dywart, Alaska Fire Control Jumpers, Smokejumping and Ski Jumping (Historic). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2006
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Prisoner in Laos Part I (continues in January 2007), I Remember Gene DeBruin, Black Range Rescue 1962. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2006
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Russian Smokejumpers—The Pre-War Years, The Death of PFC Malvin Brown, Orv Looper—Bigger Than Life Foreman, Jim Larkin—A Long and Memorable Career (Historic). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2006
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Lloyd Johnson—Pioneer Smokejumper, Losing and Old Friend—Oroville Looper. Profile Denis Breslin. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2006
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Walter Rumsey’s Statement on Mann Gulch, US Jumpers Tour Russian Bases, Tragedy at Moose Creek. Profile Danny On. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2005
National Smokejumper Association and Hans Trankle
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Sallee Corrects Mann Gulch Errors, Jumping Under the Midnight Sun (Hans Trankle), Historical Memo from Frank Derry, Smokejumpers Recruited for CIA Mission to Taiwan, Over The Se Khong River (Laos), Rescue of Johnny Davis, Memorial Service Long Overdue. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2005
National Smokejumper Association, Jill Leger, and John McDaniel
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: To The Moon! Former Jumper Pilots Apollo 14 (Jill Leger), Only a Trail Jump (John McDaniel), Lee Gossett On Raven 12—Gene Hamner. Profile Hal Ewing (pilot). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2005
National Smokejumper Association, Gene Hamner, and Norm Pawlowski
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Smokejumpers to Ravens Part II continued from article in January 2005 (Vietnam--Gene Hamner), More on Willi Unsoeld, Remembering Frank Odom, Humor on the Yukon, Roy Emerson Wenger CO Administered Jumper Camps During WWII, Jim Allen feature (Norm Pawlowski). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.