In August 1993, the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) published the first issue of its quarterly newsletter, Static Line. This title was renamed Smokejumper Magazine in October 1999. This newsletter contains articles about former smokejumpers, fires, and smokejumper history. It also describes the activities of the NSA.
According to The NSA website, the NSA is "dedicated to preserving the history and lore of smokejumping, maintaining and restoring our nation's forest and rangeland resources and responding to the special needs of smokejumpers and their families."
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2017
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the the following articles: Karl Seethaler Part III (Historic), History Preservation Project, Thad Duel Feature, Tribute to Dick Courson and Mike Walker.
Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2017
National Smokejumper Association, Bill Mader, and Robert L. Bartlett
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Bent Props and Luck (Bill Mader), Karl Seethaler Part II (Historic), Two-Manner in Cheney (Bob Bartlett), A Friendship Renewed, Scholarship Program Expanded.
Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2017
National Smokejumper Association and Robert L. Bartlett
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Karl Seethaler Part I (Historic), History of the Doug, First Black Smokejumper (Bob Bartlett), Lessons Unlearned Part V, Jim Allen Remembered, Jack Dunne interview.
Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2016
National Smokejumper Association and Allen Biller
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Super Cub Fire Jump (Allen Biller), The Kip, 2016 Scholarship Winners, Jim Phillips—Volunteer of the Year, Update Traveling Exhibit, Snapshot of Shep Johnson’s Life, Malvin Brown Memorial. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2016
National Smokejumper Association and Robert L. Bartlett
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Lessons Unlearned Part III, Tale of Two Coins (Bob Bartlett), More Information on Gene DeBruin, Quick Experiment on One-Manners (Historic), Fire Jump Western Edge of America, Remembering Bill Murphy, Phisit—An Interesting Life. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2016
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: “Beas” Part II—important smokejumper history with CIA, 2015 Leadership Award Winners, 1947 Water Bomb Project, Recollections of 2015 Reunion. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2016
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: “Beas”—important smokejumper history with CIA, Lessons Unlearned—A Historical Prospective, Traveling Smokejumper Exhibit, Daughter Remembers About Early Smokejumper/CIA Work, Has Smokejumper Mission Changed,? 2015 Scholarship Winners. Profile: Wally Dobbins. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2015
National Smokejumper Association, Chuck Sheley, and LeRoy Cook
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: First Glossy Issue: USFS Making Best Decision Going From Round to Square Chute? (C. Sheley), Archie Keith’s Long Journey (Historic), 1946 season McCall review (Historic), Spilt Beans (LeRoy Cook). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2015
National Smokejumper Association, Murry Taylor, and Ron Stoleson
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: The List-names of smokejumpers who worked for the CIA, Driscoll Oral History Project, Roary Murchison—Southeast Asia 1967-71, Klamath Fires of 2014 (Murry Taylor), Ram-Air Combines Best of Old—New Bobby Sutton), Remember Smokejumper Trailblazers 1935 (Ron Stoleson), Dunton Leadership Award winners. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2015
National Smokejumper Association and Chuck Sheley
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Historic Feature Issue: Who Were The Pioneer Smokejumpers? (C. Sheley), Pioneer Smokejumper Pilots, After the Experimental Program, many articles on early smokejumper program, Operation Firefly—Triple Nickles Myth, Fact and Common Sense (C. Sheley), Smokejumpers Honor Fallen Comrade—Mark Urban, Smokejumper History—Don’t Ask the Forest Service, Profile Pioneer Smokejumper Glenn Smith. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2015
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Feature on Melvin “Smokey” Greene (SJ/WWII POW), 2014 Scholarship Recipients, Feature on Bill Moody, Legend of Doomed C-119, The Ford Trimotor. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2014
National Smokejumper Association, Fred Donner, and Carl Gidlund
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Loon Lake Bomber Crash, Search for Malvin Brown’s Grave (Historic—Fred Donner), Longest Rescue? (Historic-Carl Gidlund), Personal Remembrance of Bob Sallee, Historical Evidence Concerning Wag Dodge’ Escape Fire, Alabama Track & Field Legend Charley Moseley, Ray Beasley Honored for Secret Missions With CIA, The Death of Jim Edison. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2014
National Smokejumper Association, Holly Neill, Chuck Sheley, and Jack Cahill
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Yarnell Hill Fire (Holly Neill), Long Cheng Visited 39 Years After CIA/Jumpers Left (C. Sheley), 2013 Dunton Leadership Award Winners, Early Days of Air America (Historic—Jack Cahill), Tribute to Ron Campbell, Legends Floyd and Lloyd Whitaker. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2014
National Smokejumper Association, Chuck Sheley, and Jon Marshall
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Smokejumper Physical Fitness Test Eliminating Good Women? (Chuck Sheley), Mark Urban Legacy Will Live On—death of Mark Urban in parachute accident, Wally Wasser hikes Pacific Crest Trail in single season, Early History of Aerial Search & Rescue, A Seasonal Round’s Ruminations (Jon Marshall). Profile Gregg Martin (paralyzed smokejumper). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2014
National Smokejumper Association, Gary Watts, and Ralph Ryan
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: My First Real Combat Mission—Vietnam (Gary Watts), Ben Musquez Jumps Again at Age 82, Comparison of Squares and Rounds (Ralph Ryan), Published article about Johnny Kirkley and Chuck Sheley, 2013 Scholarship Winners. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2013
National Smokejumper Association, LeRoy Cook, and Mark Corbet
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Feature article on Bob Kersh started Redding Smokejumper Base, Feature on death of Walt Currie, Luke Sheehy Remembered, Responses to death of Luke Sheehy, Tide Talk (LeRoy Cook), How Windy Was It? (Mark Corbet), Greenbrier’s Bill Furman. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2013
National Smokejumper Association, Gary Watts, Guy Hurlbutt, and Fred Donner
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: My Last “Jump”—Crash of F-8 Crusader (Gary Watts), Feature Smokey Stover (Guy Hurlbutt), Doehring First Woman Base Manager, The Start of a Smokejumper Base 1943 (Historic), Balloon Bombs, the USFS and the Vietnam Sequel (Fred Donner). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2013
National Smokejumper Association, Jim Veitch, and Lori Messenger
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Moon Trees & Smokejumping—Hope for the Future? (Jim Veitch), Three Decades of Women in Smokejumping (Lori Messenger), Dunton Leadership Award Winners, Feature Scott Wicklund—jumper suicide. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2013
National Smokejumper Association, Jim Hickman, Cameron Chambers, and Mel Tenneson
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: The CIA, Smokejumpers and B-17s, Development of Military Aviation Firefighting Systems (Jim Hickman), She Had the Look (Cameron Chambers), 1988 Alaska Paracargo Season (Mel Tenneson), Legacy/Retirement of Tony Loughton. Profiles Milford Preston, Doug Stinson, Alex Theios, and Jonathan L. Scott. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2012
National Smokejumper Association, Ross Parry, and Tommy Albert
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: The Longest Walk—Almost (Ross Parry), Land At the Nearest Airport-911 (Tommy Albert), 2012 NSA Scholarship Winners. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2012
National Smokejumper Association, Gary Watts, and Del Hessel
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Remembering Norton Creek Disaster (Historic-Gary Watts), Legacy of Skip Stratton, My Toughest Race (Del Hessel), article on death of Mark Hentze in South America, 1st NSA Leadership Awards. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2012
National Smokejumper Association and Jeff R. Davis
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Evolution of Parachutes and Related Gear (Jeff R. Davis), Wasser Hangs Up His Parachute, Operation Bolo—Jumper Shoots Down MiG-21 (Historic), Feature on Ted Andersen, Features Carl Rosselli. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2012
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Dave Russell—The Man Up Front (pilot feature), Another View of Higgins Ridge Fire, 30-Years Since Women Shattered The Gender Barrier, Judge For Yourself (special about Dick Courson). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2011
National Smokejumper Association, Bill Cramer, Major Boddicker, and Les Joslin
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Honoring Veterans Issue. Firearms of the Early Forest Service, Atkin’s Courage Likely Saved Lives of Squad Members (Travis Atkins KIA Iraq), Ben Musquez family feature centerfold, Michael MacKinnon KIA Iraq, B-26 Jumped in Alaska, NSA awards first scholarships, Additional gold medals at Olympics. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2011
National Smokejumper Association, Mark Belitz, and Tony Beltran
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles:Alaska Fire Service Zodiac Operations (Bill Cramer), Higgins Ridge Fire, Umpqua Bigfoot Mystery (Major Boddicker), Olympic Gold (Children of Smokejumpers winning Olympic medals), Curricula for a USFS Academy (Les Joslin), Prompt Smokejumper IA Saves Dollars (Comparison of smokejumper vs ground attack in dollars saved), Remembering Neil Satterwhite, Israel’s Mt. Carmel Fire—Smokejumper Connection. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.