In August 1993, the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) published the first issue of its quarterly newsletter, Static Line. This title was renamed Smokejumper Magazine in October 1999. This newsletter contains articles about former smokejumpers, fires, and smokejumper history. It also describes the activities of the NSA.
According to The NSA website, the NSA is "dedicated to preserving the history and lore of smokejumping, maintaining and restoring our nation's forest and rangeland resources and responding to the special needs of smokejumpers and their families."
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2006
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Russian Smokejumpers—The Pre-War Years, The Death of PFC Malvin Brown, Orv Looper—Bigger Than Life Foreman, Jim Larkin—A Long and Memorable Career (Historic). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2006
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Lloyd Johnson—Pioneer Smokejumper, Losing and Old Friend—Oroville Looper. Profile Denis Breslin. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2006
National Smokejumper Association
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Walter Rumsey’s Statement on Mann Gulch, US Jumpers Tour Russian Bases, Tragedy at Moose Creek. Profile Danny On. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2005
National Smokejumper Association and Hans Trankle
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Sallee Corrects Mann Gulch Errors, Jumping Under the Midnight Sun (Hans Trankle), Historical Memo from Frank Derry, Smokejumpers Recruited for CIA Mission to Taiwan, Over The Se Khong River (Laos), Rescue of Johnny Davis, Memorial Service Long Overdue. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2005
National Smokejumper Association, Jill Leger, and John McDaniel
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: To The Moon! Former Jumper Pilots Apollo 14 (Jill Leger), Only a Trail Jump (John McDaniel), Lee Gossett On Raven 12—Gene Hamner. Profile Hal Ewing (pilot). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2005
National Smokejumper Association, Gene Hamner, and Norm Pawlowski
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Smokejumpers to Ravens Part II continued from article in January 2005 (Vietnam--Gene Hamner), More on Willi Unsoeld, Remembering Frank Odom, Humor on the Yukon, Roy Emerson Wenger CO Administered Jumper Camps During WWII, Jim Allen feature (Norm Pawlowski). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2005
National Smokejumper Association and Gene Hamner
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Smokejumper Magazine—How Does It Happen?, Smokejumpers to Ravens Part I continued in April 2005(Vietnam--Gene Hamner), Smokejumping Legacy in Alaska Ski Racing, Interviews with Smokejumpers from the 1940s. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2004
National Smokejumper Association, Chuck Sheley, Barry Reed, and Gene Hamner
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Jim Waite Pioneer Smokejumper, Shep Johnson—More Than Interesting Life (Chuck Sheley), Air America (Barry Reed), Coming of Smokejumpers (Historical Document), Single-Engine O-2 (Gene Hamner), Tribute to Steve Nemore, Interviews with Smokejumpers from the 1940s. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2004
National Smokejumper Association, Chuck Sheley, and Mark Corbet
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Smokejumper Awarded Medal of Honor (Chuck Sheley), Pioneer Remembers Wag Dodge, remembering Mike McCullough, Veteran Jumper (Mark Corbet) Still Chases Fires, profile Jim Allen. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2004
National Smokejumper Association, Charley Moseley, Jill Leger, and Chuck Sheley
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Women Celebrate 20 Years of Smokejumping (Tara Rothwell), profiles Bud Filler, Fred Brauer, Delos Dutton, Gary Welch and Hal Werner, Pyramid Peak Fire (Tommy Albert), Elmer Neufeld interview, Tribute to Bill Wood (Robert Walkup), The View from Outside the Fence—Chris Sorensen’s first column. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2004
National Smokejumper Association, Jim Budenholzer, Rufus Robinson, and Earl Cooley
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Interview with Pioneer Smokejumper—Jim Alexander (Jim Budenholzer), First Actual Fire Jump (Rufus Robinson), Second Fire Jump (Earl Cooley), Thoughts on Changing the System (John Culbertson), Mike Adams remembered, Smokejumper Involved in Biggest Upset in Collegiate Sports History (Chuck Sheley), Milford Preston remembered, Remember Smokejumpers Who Died in Laos (Fred Donner), Bob Schlaefli (pilot) remembered, Willi Unsoeld (Bob Moffitt). Profiles Albert Gray and Rich Grandalski. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2003
National Smokejumper Association, Bill Yansen, Johnny Kirkley, and Jerry Dixon
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Lady NED Deanne Shulman (Bill Yensen), Remembering Wally Tower, Air America—A Daily Adventure (Johnny Kirkley), Ted Burgeon—A Life Will Lived (Jerry Dixon). Profiles on Bill Moody, Gilbert Weldy, Howard Smith (pilot) and Art Henderson. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2003
National Smokejumper Association, Troop Emonds, Chuck Mansfield, and Jim Veitch
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Mick Swift (Troop Emonds), Aggressive Fire Control and the Biscuit Fire (Chuck Mansfield), Counterpoint to editorial control (Jim Veitch), Editorial Oversight –readers respond, Hoarding Jumpers (Steve Nemore), Smokejumper Awarded CIA Medals (Fred Donner), Ted Burgon Update. Profiles DeWayne Davis, John Twiss, Ben Musquez, John McIntosh and Jim Rabideau. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2003
National Smokejumper Association, Dale Schmaljohn, Chuck Sheley, and Don Courtney
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Tribute to Ed Guy (Dale Schmaljohn), FBI Join Probe into Ted Burgon Killing, Biscuit Fire – Initial Attack System Broken? (Chuck Sheley), Ration of Luck (Air America—Don Courtney), Remembering a Hero – Hugh Jenkins, Interview with Troop Emonds (Chris Sorensen), profiles Wally Henderson, Fred Donner and Jimmie Dollard. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2003
National Smokejumper Association, Delos Dutton, Deanne Schulman, and Charlie Palmer
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: No One Man’er (Delos Dutton), On Becoming a Smokejumper (First female smokejumper Deanne Shulman), Jumpers from the North (Canadian smokejumpers Charlie Palmer), Bio of John Lewis (Ken Hessel), Carl Maerzluft feature, Ted Burgon Killed in Ambush (Chuck Sheley), How The West Was Lost (Chuck Sheley), Biscuit Fire (Jerry Schmidt). Profiles Milford Preston, Doug Stinson, Alex Theios, and Jonathan L. Scott. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2002
National Smokejumper Association, John Culbertson, Fred Donner, and Steve Smith
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Profiles Steve Rhodes, Adam Lauber, Larry Casey, Jim Rathbun, Jerry Howe, Murry Taylor and Jerry Linton, Death of Jimmy Pierce (John Culbertson), Smokejumpers and the CIA (Fred Donner), Interview with John Maclean (Steve Smith). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2002
National Smokejumper Association, Pic Littell, Reid Jackson, and Ted Burgon
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: CPS/Triple Nickles Team (Pic Littell), The Humbling (Reid Jackson), George Cross feature, Death of Daniel Pearl (Ted Burgon), Chris Demarest interview, Brief history of women fighting wildfire (Lori Messenger), profiles Richard Kreitzberg, Fred Rohrbach, Chuck Blanton, Bob Derry and Bob Gorsuch. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2002
National Smokejumper Association, Tara Rothwell, Tommy Albert, and Robert Walkup
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Women Celebrate 20 Years of Smokejumping (Tara Rothwell), profiles Bud Filler, Fred Brauer, Delos Dutton, Gary Welch and Hal Werner, Pyramid Peak Fire (Tommy Albert), Elmer Neufeld interview, Tribute to Bill Wood (Robert Walkup), The View from Outside the Fence—Chris Sorensen’s first column. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2002
National Smokejumper Association, Mark Matthews, and Mike Blinn
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Leap of Faith/first fire jump, Paradoctor Jumped to Help Crash Victims (Mark Matthews), Rookie Training Day by Day (Mike Blinn), profiles Jerry Schmidt (CJ), Joe Gutkoski and Dave Bennett. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2001
National Smokejumper Association, Charlie Palmer, Charlie Roos, and Ron Thoreson
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Interview with John Maclean (Charlie Palmer), Life After Smokejumping? (Charlie Roos), Remembering My Last Season (Ron Thoreson), Wag Dodge Escape Fire, profiles Jim Hain, Skip Stratton and Bob Walker, Mouse Remembered (Steve Smith), Fall of a Friend/Fairbanks fatality (Mike McMillan). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2001
National Smokejumper Association, Chuck Sheley, Chuck Mansfield, and Jeff R. Davis
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Kickin’ Cargo/Bum Pilot (Jeff R. Davis), Log of Rookie Smokejumper (Herb Hidu), profiles Phil Stanley, Mike Kreidler, Doug Sutherland and Gregg Phifer, Smokejumper Thwarts Hijacking of Pam-Am Clipper 73 (Chuck Sheley), Anything for a Jump (Chuck Mansfield). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, April 2001
National Smokejumper Association and Paige Houston
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Ride of My Life/malfunction on Shasta Trinity (Paige Houston), Tiniest Marine/Smallest Smokejumper, Gene DeBruin/MIA, profiles Ben Conner and Joe Blackburn, Jack Mathews Career with CIA. Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, January 2001
National Smokejumper Association, Bob Nolan, Bill Yensen, and Steve Smith
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Dale Longanecker Sets Jump Record, First Jump in the Sequoias (Bob Nolan), Redding-Tall Trees (Bill Yensen), Personal notes from producer of smokejumper documentary (Steve Smith), Analysis of ADFF Final Report (Jim Veitch), Interview with Greg Greenhoe/Chair of ADFF study group, (Jim Veitch). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, October 2000
National Smokejumper Association, Wally Henderson, Delos Dutton, and Steve Smith
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Bob Caldwell (added profile), Failure of Controlled Burning New Mexico, Early Water Bombing (Wally Henderson), Region 8 Smokejumping (Delos Dutton), The Video Project (Steve Smith). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.
Smokejumper Magazine, July 2000
National Smokejumper Association, Gregg Phifer, and Neil Shier
This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Jumping into History (1949 Washington DC jump), Bob Caldwell profile, My Brush with History-CPS Smokejumpers (Gregg Phifer), Casual Reflections (Neil Shier). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.