Cradle the Life

Faculty Mentor

Marc LaPointe

Presentation Type

Creative Work

Start Date

5-7-2024 4:30 PM

End Date

5-7-2024 6:00 PM


Art Building Gallery & Lobby

Primary Discipline of Presentation



Cradle the Life

33" x 14"

Wild-gathered materials, fabric


Experiences create feelings that are stored away in our memories. I think a lot about our collective human history, how we interact, influence, and connect with one another and our world. As a multidisciplinary artist, I incorporate various materials and processes to create experiential works that reconnect us to ourselves and to our environment.

I am a gatherer. I gather twigs and stones and leaves on my walks. I gather memories in objects and photos. When I am creating, I weave together my gatherings, using whatever medium feels right to recreate the emotional experience. Experience is my teacher, and nature is my inspiration.

In this piece I have gathered wild growing plants that some consider weeds and woven them along with strips of quilting materials into a cocoon or cradle. This represents a safe haven of protection and reinforces humanity's connection to mother Earth.

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May 7th, 4:30 PM May 7th, 6:00 PM

Cradle the Life

Art Building Gallery & Lobby

Cradle the Life

33" x 14"

Wild-gathered materials, fabric


Experiences create feelings that are stored away in our memories. I think a lot about our collective human history, how we interact, influence, and connect with one another and our world. As a multidisciplinary artist, I incorporate various materials and processes to create experiential works that reconnect us to ourselves and to our environment.

I am a gatherer. I gather twigs and stones and leaves on my walks. I gather memories in objects and photos. When I am creating, I weave together my gatherings, using whatever medium feels right to recreate the emotional experience. Experience is my teacher, and nature is my inspiration.

In this piece I have gathered wild growing plants that some consider weeds and woven them along with strips of quilting materials into a cocoon or cradle. This represents a safe haven of protection and reinforces humanity's connection to mother Earth.