Fish Teapot

Faculty Mentor

Jenny Hyde

Presentation Type

Creative Work

Start Date

5-7-2024 4:30 PM

End Date

5-7-2024 6:00 PM


Art Building Gallery & Lobby

Primary Discipline of Presentation



During my time at my ceramics class at EWU, I wanted to get better at using the wheel and making art pieces that can be used for everyday use. For one of my projects, I decided to focus on making a teapot with a higher spout that could be able to pour liquids with a nice flow. Before I started this project, I have made a teapot in the past during my time at community college but looking back I wasn't really happy with how it poured water so I used this opportunity to make a better one.

For this project, I created the base and lid with a wheel while the other pieces where sculpted and hand-built such as the handle and spout alongside the other details. The reason I made it look like a fish is because the spout reminded me of fish lips so I decided to give it some silly eyes, gills, and a pair of fins for decoration.

The hardest and most important part for me was making the spout as it was really time consuming in the terms of making sure it was attached properly as well as making sure it would function how I wanted it to. I learned that the best teapot spouts have small sharp points at the end of them that allow liquid to flow from a less turbulent point creating a nicer laminar flow which is what greatly helped in the end as I personally believe that the piece works how I wished it would.

Overall, this is personally one of my favorite ceramic pieces that I have made in recent times as it helped me practice my technique on more advanced usable ceramic designs.

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May 7th, 4:30 PM May 7th, 6:00 PM

Fish Teapot

Art Building Gallery & Lobby

During my time at my ceramics class at EWU, I wanted to get better at using the wheel and making art pieces that can be used for everyday use. For one of my projects, I decided to focus on making a teapot with a higher spout that could be able to pour liquids with a nice flow. Before I started this project, I have made a teapot in the past during my time at community college but looking back I wasn't really happy with how it poured water so I used this opportunity to make a better one.

For this project, I created the base and lid with a wheel while the other pieces where sculpted and hand-built such as the handle and spout alongside the other details. The reason I made it look like a fish is because the spout reminded me of fish lips so I decided to give it some silly eyes, gills, and a pair of fins for decoration.

The hardest and most important part for me was making the spout as it was really time consuming in the terms of making sure it was attached properly as well as making sure it would function how I wanted it to. I learned that the best teapot spouts have small sharp points at the end of them that allow liquid to flow from a less turbulent point creating a nicer laminar flow which is what greatly helped in the end as I personally believe that the piece works how I wished it would.

Overall, this is personally one of my favorite ceramic pieces that I have made in recent times as it helped me practice my technique on more advanced usable ceramic designs.