Women's Flying Training Program telegraphs on Millie (Berglund) Shinn's participation in the program

Northwest Section, the Ninety-Nines, Inc. Records, SPC 007-0653 (SPC_007_0653_scrapbook2_00018.jpg).
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Date Information
July 30, 1943
One telegraph, dated October 5, 1943, indicates that Millie (Berglund) Shinn is to report to Fort Worth, Texas for the Women's Flying Training Program (WFPT) on November 1 pending Jacqueline Cochran's receipt of the results of Shinn's physical examination. The second telegraph, dated July 30, 1943, states that Shinn is to send her Certificate of Availability to Washington, D.C. and not to report to Fort Worth, Texas until given a confirmation.
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