
The original is at the Alaska Smokejumper Base at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Digital photographs of the photoboard were donated to Eastern Washington University by the National Smokejumper Association for the purpose of posting online.
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Potraits of smokejumpers from the Alaska smokejumper base. The jumpers are Jim Anderson, Mike August, Jeff Bass, Don Bell, Tony Beltran, Clay Bien, Rick Blanton, Tom Boatner, Rob Bowles, Ray Brogen, Eric Arundice, Gary, Buck, Doug Certain, Wally Chambers, Jed Clark, Mike Clarkson, Ken Coe, Bob Collins, Pat Davis, Rob Dow, John Dube, Alan Dunton, Mike Durischt, Dan Button, Tom Edmonds, Lee Englessy, Mike Everette, Chris Farisetti, Jack Fireplug, Mike Fitzpatrick, John Gould, Gary Cranquist, Jim Griffin, Mike Hardy, Kent Harper, Tim Hatch, Tom Hilliard, Jim Hirano, Dean Hovdey, Craig Irvine, Rick Jense, Gary Johnson, John Jones, Rob Jones, Bobby Karr, Kem Keaton, Matt Kelley, Mark Klinger, Mark Krogen, Gig Leadsetter, John LeClair, Russ Little, Willy Lowden, Bob Mauck, Vince Mazzier, Tom McDonald, Glenn McGehee, Pat McCrane, Shawn McKenna, Gary McMurtrey, Dave Mellin, Bert Mitman, Bruce Nelson, Steve Nemore, Steve Norrod, Jim Olson, Allen, Owess, Chris Palmer, Tony Pastro, Steve Paulsons, Dennis Peleshuck, Davis Perkins, Bob Quillin, Zeke Reister, Rick Russel, Eric Schoensfeld, Pat Shearer, Jerry Smith, Jim Stauff, Dave Stephens, Ed Strong, Paul Sulinski, Larry Vanderlinden, Jim Veitch, Ron Vestreg, Jerry Waters, and Randy Webb. The portraits were pieced together using Adobe Photoshop from portaits taken of a larger photo board delivered by Mike McMillan of the National Smokejumper Association. The arrangement of photographs may differ from the origin.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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