
The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
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Imaged by the National Smokejumper Association from a photographic print.
A group portrait of the smokejumper crew based in the Cave Junction base in Oregon. The crew members are dressed in jump gear. The photograph is taken in front of DC-3 aircraft. Back row: Jim Allen (PAO), Al Boucher (foreman), Mick Swift, Ralph Williams (pilot), Jim Oleson, Charley Mosely, Jim Roberts, Gil Boundy, Dave Towers, Mike Simon, Larry Welch, Jim Fritz, Ron Garner, Phil Beardslee, Jerry John, Doug Hopkins, Pete Landis, Ron Lufkin, Mrs. Irma Wolff (cook), Mrs. Alviene Kaufman (cook), Mrs. Cecelia Heath (cook's helper), Arlene Hoover (clerk), Darlene Mohr (clerk). Front row: Chuck Sheley, Fred Cramer, Dick Board, Bill Knight, Paul Boyer, Truman Sandelin, Bill Benton, Cliff Hamilton, Chuck Mansfield, Hall Ward, John Manley, Tom Pettigrew, Steve Johnson, Jerry Schmidt, Jere Hancock.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Cave Junction (Or.), Aircraft