"National Smokejumper Assocation Trail Maintenance Annual Report for 20" by National Smokejumper Association Trails Committee



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The Trails Maintenance Program Annual Reports compiled by the National Smokejumper Association Trails Committee summarizes the activities of the Trails Program. The members of the program also go by the title Trails Restoration and Maintenance Project Specialists (TRAMPS). The contents of the 2011 report include: Volunteer of the Year; Others Who Helped us out; Logistics Report; Accomplishments Report; Tax Exempt Status; Art Jukkala Trail; Bear Creek; Bear Lake Trails; Blue Bend Rec. Area; USFS/BWCAW/WCB/GTHS Project; Snowbank Lake Trail; Dixie; Dry Gulch Trail; Challenge Cr. Cabin/Corral; Big Bill Cabin; Greenwood Cabin; Horse Butte Lookout; Huckleberry Lookout; Little Dead Elk; Mann Gulch-Phase One; Moore's Station; North Fork American River; North Fork Blackfoot Cabin; Priest River Experimental Station; Sawtooth Early Crew; A Gathering at the Sawtooth; Turkey Springs Guard Station; West Yellowstone; Note of Thanks;



Publication Date

January 2013


National Smokejumper Association


Smokejumpers -- United States; National Smokejumper Association; Trails -- Maintenance and repair


Forest Management


The Trails Reports are generated from the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Trails Project webpage at https://smokejumpers.com/index.php/trailsreports/getall. Eastern Washington University Archives and Special Collections curates a run of the reports with the permission of the NSA.

National Smokejumper Assocation Trail Maintenance Annual Report for 2012
