Psychological Interventions Used for Rehabilitation in Athletes Post-Injury

Faculty Mentor

Otto Buchholz

Presentation Type


Start Date

5-8-2024 9:00 AM

End Date

5-8-2024 10:45 AM



Primary Discipline of Presentation

Exercise Science


There are usually many considerable numbers of injuries sustained throughout sports, whether at the high school, collegiate, or professional levels. Within that, these athletes' mental health has a huge impact on how they manage their injuries. As more significant injuries occur, athletes may have a negative psychological reaction to their injuries. It is conceivable that athletes have not developed effective coping strategies, making recovery from injuries more challenging. In order to assist athletic trainers and clinicians in making an informed decision about whether to incorporate psychological interventions into their practice, the purpose of this Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) is to review the available research regarding the integration of psychological interventions into the rehabilitation process in injured collegiate athletes. A literature search was conducted using keywords (i.e. psychological interventions, post-injury, athletes, and effectiveness), then inputting into databases (i.e. Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, NLM-NIH) and then assessed the quality of the results using the Quality Assessment Scoring Tool (QUEST). All articles included must have a minimum score of 22, ensuring that the highest quality articles are used. This poster will cover psychological interventions that can be included in your athlete's recovery process. The psychological interventions described in the current research promote the use of imagery, goal planning, self-talk, and social support. Further discussion will focus on the best psychological interventions for injured athletes.

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May 8th, 9:00 AM May 8th, 10:45 AM

Psychological Interventions Used for Rehabilitation in Athletes Post-Injury


There are usually many considerable numbers of injuries sustained throughout sports, whether at the high school, collegiate, or professional levels. Within that, these athletes' mental health has a huge impact on how they manage their injuries. As more significant injuries occur, athletes may have a negative psychological reaction to their injuries. It is conceivable that athletes have not developed effective coping strategies, making recovery from injuries more challenging. In order to assist athletic trainers and clinicians in making an informed decision about whether to incorporate psychological interventions into their practice, the purpose of this Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) is to review the available research regarding the integration of psychological interventions into the rehabilitation process in injured collegiate athletes. A literature search was conducted using keywords (i.e. psychological interventions, post-injury, athletes, and effectiveness), then inputting into databases (i.e. Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, NLM-NIH) and then assessed the quality of the results using the Quality Assessment Scoring Tool (QUEST). All articles included must have a minimum score of 22, ensuring that the highest quality articles are used. This poster will cover psychological interventions that can be included in your athlete's recovery process. The psychological interventions described in the current research promote the use of imagery, goal planning, self-talk, and social support. Further discussion will focus on the best psychological interventions for injured athletes.