Oral Presentations Session 4: Biology Session Two | Oral Presentations

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Tuesday, May 7th
9:05 AM

Investigating the Relationships between Biotic and Abiotic Factors Affecting Migratory Behavior in Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) within the Priest River System.

Kyle M. Keenan, Eastern Washington University

PAT 328

9:05 AM - 9:25 AM

9:30 AM

The Roles of Dam Dimensions and Surface Porosity on the Water Storing Capacity of Beaver Dam Analogs Compared to Natural Beaver Dams

Sawyer d. Nagle, EWU

PAT 328

9:30 AM - 9:50 AM

9:55 AM

Synergistic Effects of EDTA and Biochar on Phytoextraction of Lead by the native annual sunflower, Helianthus annuus

Devlin Mee, Eastern Washington University
Carmen Nezat, PhD, Eastern Washington University
Robin O'Quinn, PhD, Eastern Washington University

PAT 328

9:55 AM - 10:15 AM

10:20 AM

Active versus Passive Restoration of Drained Reservoirs on Elwha River Ten Years After Dam Removal

Michael Jacob Trier, Eastern Washington University

PAT 328

10:20 AM - 10:40 AM

10:45 AM

New possible canine testis tissue extraction and culture

Jonathan Becerra
Ramanpreet Singh, Eastern Washington University
Sadie Merritt
Nguyen K. Nguyen
Michael Sanborn
Taiyo Sundheim

PAT 328

10:45 AM - 11:05 AM

11:10 AM

Notch Signaling Drives Pathological Osteoclastogenesis in Multiple Myeloma

Justin A. Roosma, Biology

PAT 328

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

11:35 AM

Impacts of Body Mass on Mammalian Microstructures and Cells Found in Compact Bone

Margo Murphy, Eastern Washington University

PAT 328

11:35 AM - 11:55 AM

12:00 PM

Identifying Targets of Small Regulatory RNAs: Transcriptomics in the Carcinogenic Pathogen, Helicobacter pylori

Roxanne N. McPeck, Eastern Washington University
Olivia F. Morgan, Eastern Washington University
Andrea R. Castillo PhD, Eastern Washington University

PAT 328

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM

12:25 PM

Social Resource Availability and Use of Early Career STEM Teachers

Emily J.A. Hamada, Eastern Washington University

PAT 328

12:25 PM - 12:45 PM

12:50 PM

Investigating the Impact of Pretreatment Intraperitoneal Oxytocin on Signs of Trauma

Jair E. Alvarez Jr., Eastern Washington University
David Daberkow, Eastern Washington University

PAT 328

12:50 PM - 1:10 PM

1:15 PM

Assessing the Diversity and Restoration Potential of Native Prairie Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Communities

Katherine I. Cole, Eastern Washington University

PAT 328

1:15 PM - 1:35 PM