"Service-learning: Effectively Transitioning Students Into the Workplac" by Rachel B. Bean

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Teena Carnegie

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 5-8-2019




Service-learning is a method of learning that is meant to integrate the needs of the community with the academic curriculum of the students. This method allows for the work of the students, emerging professionals, to be used outside of the school, serving as a test of the skills that students may have only used in a school setting. Students are assigned the task of completing a project for a community organization who is without the resources to complete the project. Matching students who need experience with community organizations who are in need of professional services is an effective method of easing the student’s transition from a school setting into the workplace.

Obtaining a job, even with a degree, is not a simple task. In order to obtain a job, you must have skills, proof of skills, and social connections. By providing students with an opportunity to do service-learning, they are able to improve all three of these requirements.

My poster will share my experiences with service-learning. At EWU, I have worked with iFixit, a company that creates repair manuals, and with Teen & Kid Closet, a local organization that provides foster youth and youth experiencing homelessness with clothes. The projects completed for these two organizations have provided me with skills, proof of skills, and social connections helping me to comfortably transition into the workplace.


This poster was displayed at Eastern Washington University in Hargreaves Hall on May 15, 2019 for EWU's 22nd Annual Student Research and Creative Works Symposium.

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