Faculty Mentor

Dr. Jeni McNeal

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 5-11-2019


Physical Education, Health and Recreation


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to see if an acute bout of static stretching of anterior hip muscles can affect a measurable change in sagittal pelvic and lumbar position during standing. RECRUITMENT: Flyers requesting participants will be posted throughout the PE building. In addition, the PI students will invite potential participants verbally during the beginning of randomly selected PEHR classes. METHODS: Eligible participants will complete the informed consent and a brief survey to quantify their habitual stretching habits. They will perform five-minutes of moderate cycling on a stationary bike as a general warm-up. Reflective markers will be placed on the skin or clothing of the right side of the participant using double-sided adhesive tape (posterior and anterior superior iliac spines, greater trochanter of the femur, and four along the spinous processes of several lumbar and thoracic vertebra). Pelvic and lumbar position will be assessed while the participant is in a standing, actively-aligned body position with their arms overhead. The participant will be asked to ‘stand as straight and tall as possible’. A photograph of the standing position before and after the acute stretching condition will be used to record the position. From the photographs, coordinate locations of the reflective markers will be measured using the software IC Measure. The experimental intervention will involve participants stretching in a kneeling lunge position, commonly used to stretch the anterior hip musculature. They will perform 3 sets of 30sec stretches on each leg to their personal level of stretching discomfort. ANALYSIS: Pelvic tilt and lumbar lordosis angles before and after the stretching intervention will be compared using paired t-tests. RESULTS: There is a significant difference (t=.002, pM angle with a reduction of the angle indicative of increasing posterior pelvic tilt. The PTC and LUMM angle was not statistically significant, the results, however, are practically significant.


This is the first study that looked at anterior pelvic tilt and lumbar lordosis while actively in aligned body position. This study was aimed at future research for divers. To enter the water with minimal splash, the diver must achieve an aligned body position. If the athlete has tight hip flexors, they may not be able to achieve the required position. This study looks at if stretching the hip flexors can improve actively in aligned body position.

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