"Alexander the Great and Aristotle's Philosopher King" by Mica Pointer

Faculty Mentor

Georgia Bazemore and Christopher Kirby

Document Type


Publication Date





Alexander III of Macedon has often been regarded as the prodigal student of Aristotle, acting on and bringing into fruition his tutor’s ideas of what it is to be a good ruler. While this was fulfilled in part with regards to Alexander’s battlefield prowess and his embodying a god-like status as ruler, there are many other ways in which he falls short of Aristotle’s ideal philosopher king. Such examples include disregarding the advice of his men and being guided more by passion than by reason. In this paper, I will assess evidence for both of these positions with regards to how Alexander both did and did not fit Aristotle’s idea of a perfect ruler as described in his Politics.


Original research paper with presentation slides and presentation outline.

Alexander and Aristotle presentation.pdf (186 kB)
Presentation slides

A and A Presentation Outline.pdf (17 kB)
Presentation outline
