"Smokejumper Obituary: Deinema, John William "Jack" (McCall 1950)" by National Smokejumper Association



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Jack died April 15, 2020, in Tigard, Oregon. He was born March 6,1923 in Nashua, Iowa. Jack graduated from Iowa State College in 1949 with a degree in Forestry. He also attended the University of North Carolina and Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. Jack was a Sergeant in the Marine Corps (1942-46) during WWII serving in the Pacific Theater. He enlisted right after Pearl Harbor and took part in operations on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, and Tinian. With the loss of so many officers in the Saipan and Tinian campaigns Jack received a field commission. After college graduation he served as a Junior Forester on the Payette and Challis National Forests. He became a Ranger on the Challis in 1952 and transferred to the Teton N.F. in 1953. He then moved on to Assistant Forest Supervisor on the Challis N.F. in 1955. In 1967 Jack was promoted to Regional Forester (R-5) in California. Pres. Pres.Nixon appointed him as Federal representative to the governing board of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency in 1970. Jack was an influential FS Manager in the 1970s including being Director of the Job Corp Program in DC and Regional Forester in R-5. He is another example of the people who began as smokejumpers and went on to be influential leaders in the USFS. Jack jumped at McCall during the 1950 season.



Publication Date

July 2023


Smokejumping; Smokejumpers -- United States; National Smokejumper Association; Wildfire fighters; Obituaries


Forest Management

Smokejumper Obituary: Deinema, John William
