"Deconstructing Colonization in the Classroom" by Claire Israel

Faculty Mentor

Martin Meraz Garcia

Document Type


Publication Date



Chicano Education


Many argue that the neocolonial culture that permeates the American public-school system directly leads to the disengagement of Latina/o students. In my research, I aim to unpack each element of this assertion. Though there is still a lot of work to do, many school districts and state public education authorities have introduced various innovative ethnic studies programs into their curriculums in attempts to diversify the content and reengage the Latina/o students in the public education system today. In the last 18 years, the national dropout rate of Latina/o students has dropped by almost half. By way of interviews and critical analysis of the national education system based on primary and secondary sources, I will identify ways the education system disenfranchises Latina/o students and point to ways to further decolonize the education curriculum. I will examine 3 case studies of the positive effect ethnic studies programs had on young Latina/o students. Finally, I will conclude with ways to utilize the methods of educational decolonization to help reengage Latina/o students on a local scale.
