"Meeting Minutes, March 2014" by National Smokejumper Association Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes, March 2014

National Smokejumper Association Board of Directors


Call to order.
Orientation to site.
Approval of agenda Sheley.
Minutes of prior meeting and intervening BOD actions.
Work on historical materials.
Update on exhibit at the Evergreen Museum.
Farm Bill provisions affecting the USPS.
Update on request for Database for health research project.
Status of Trademark Registration.
Treasurer's Report/FY 2013- 14 Budget Review.
Magazine/Merchandise Report.
Progress report on staff position.
Wildland Fire Fighters Foundation.
Updates on Current Issues in smokejumper and fire management.
2015 Reunion progress report.
Membership Report.
Report on Pilot data collection.
Special recognition.
Trails Program update.
Scholarship Report.
Website Committee Report.
Open positions on BOD.
Unfinished business.
Next meeting site/ date.
Adjourn meeting.
