"Meeting Minutes, April 10th, 1998" by National Smokejumper Association Board of Directors

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Agenda: Meeting to order.; Minutes from last session.; Legality of votes based on by-law concerns.; Exec Committee Meeting minutes review.; Agenda.; Treasury report, profit and loss, funds for reunion.; Base representation on board.; Call for annual financial reporting to membership.; Museum reports.; Cost estimates.; Use of membership roster.; Sharing space with NFSM.; Video Production Report.; Echo productions has been retained and production should be complete in Aug/Sept of 98.; Efforts to obtain Trimotor & equipment to film jumps. Short promo viewed.; Francis Lufkin memorial.; Org finance cost of NSA historical to be present.; Efforts to include a jump form a Trimotor.; Vision of the future.; 25 items/issues brainstormed.; 4 top ideas:.; 1. base managers at board meetings.; 2. NSA representation at local reunions.; 3. encourage local get togethers.; 4. Extend membership to Canadian jumpers.; NSA Products.; Display of products.; Call for expansion.; Cost vs sales analysis.; Web Page Report.; National Smokejumper Program Trouble for the future.; Informal discussion.; NSA By-law Changes.; Membership.; Newsletter Report.; Reunion 2000.; Other subjects.;





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