Meeting Minutes, July 2015

National Smokejumper Association Board of Directors


Call to order, introduction to site, introductions, approval of the agenda. Approval of previous meeting minutes Website Committee report Scholarship Committee report Good Samaritan Fund report Report on the Evergreen Museum and the Smokejumper display Report on addition of jump records to the website with demonstration Update on NSA History and introduction of Charles Palmer BOD vote on filling John Marker's board position Long-term planning Budget Report & presentation of 2015-16 FY Budget the USFS had a water bomb testing program with the Army Air Corp Membership Report Report on Malvin Brown marker Report on renewal of Directors & Officer Liability Insurance Policy for social media identified with the NSA smokejumper program parachutes New business Next meeting - Seattle Oct. 7-8, 2015 Evaluation of meeting and travel/lodging voucher-positive comments about the overall meeting, our ability to work through a lot of NSA business, and the value of the meeting with Tom Harbour Conclude meeting