"Meeting Minutes, October 2013" by National Smokejumper Association Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes, October 2013

National Smokejumper Association Board of Directors


Call to order.
Orientation to site.
Approval of agenda of prior meeting and intervening BOD actions.
Trail Report for 2013.
update on the ongoing Siskiyou Smokejumper Base project.
update on progress of the 2015 NSA Reunion planning.
Wild Land Firefighters Foundation.
Status of KIA plaques.
Scholarship Report.
Parachute development report .
Treasurer's Report/FY 2013-14 Budget Review.
Headstone's for firefighters killed in Montana.
Exploring NSA's potential role in fire/land management.
Presentation & discussion.
Status of Trademark Registration.
Request for Database for health research project.
Website Committee Report.
Magazine/Merchandise Report & Staffing.
Recess for social evening.
Guidelines for GSF.
Long-range funding for scholarships.
Report on Pilot data collection.
Report on elimination of the 'other' facebook site.
Unfinished business.
Expenses vouchers.
Evaluation of meeting.
Next meeting site/date.
