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The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.

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Images were received as JPEGs. The EWU Archives and Special Collections cropped the photographs, performed color corrections, and added smokejumper names, base name, and logo in Adobe Photoshop.


A group picture of the crew for the Redding Smokejumper Base.

Back Row: (standing) Dan Johnson (Pilot), John Blumm (Pilot), Annette Moore (Clerk), Don Graham, Caleb Edwards, Mitch Hokanson, Kev Hodgin (retired), Damian Within, Paul Bailey, Jason Foreman, Bob Bente, Jerry Spence, Rick Rataj, Kyle Jackson, Franki Betancourt, Josh Mathiesen, Wendi Gima (Pilot), Brad Richards (Pilot), Dave Johnson

Middle Row: (kneeling) Travis Strahan (Pilot), Brad Schuette, Doug Powell, Colin Switzer, Ryan Mecham, Logan Ladd, Chris Warnock, Joey Maggio, Curtis Matthews, Nate Hesse, Roberto Cervantes, Adam Stevens, Matt Weston, Michael Stackely, Luis Gomez, Dean Banducci

Front Row: (sitting) Robert Nevarez, Mike Odell, John Hoellerich, Stuart Francis, Brian Bull, Brian Good, Dileep Bobba, Ron Echelberger, Jason Boynton, Nate Allen Not Pictured: John Casey, Greg Fashano, Pat Johnson, Zac Petty, Brian Janes, Tye Erwin


Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.


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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Redding (Calif.)
