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The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.

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Images were received as JPEGs. The EWU Archives and Special Collections cropped the photographs, performed color corrections, and added smokejumper names, base name, and logo in Adobe Photoshop.


A group picture of the crew for the Redding Smokejumper Base.

Back Row:(standing) Charlie Roberts (Pilot), David Seest(Pilot), Josh Mathiesen, Alessandro Potenziani, Chris Gunter, Mitch Hokanson, Rick Rataj, Jo-Jo, Wally Hockman, Casey Ramsey, Chris Joyce, Eric Lancaster(Pilot), Dan Johnson(Pilot), Greg Fashano, Annette Moore(Secretary), Kyle Dornberger, Isaac Karuzas, Don Sand

Middle Row: (kneeling) Tim Quigley, Hernan Sotela, Adam Lauber, John Casey, Nate Hesse, Mike Blinn, Dave Johnson, Ron Omont, Geoff Schultz, Morgan Baker, Bob Coward, Rick Haagenson(Pilot), Steve Murphy, Steve Franke

Front Row: (sitting) Ed McGavren, Ashley Markley, Dominic Patella, Jesse Gonzalez lll, Scott Hall, Kevin Maier, Scott Smith, Kevin Thomas, Paul Chamberlain, Frank Vargas, Dan Coats

Not Pictured: Don Graham, Matt Alexander, Bob Bente, Tye Erwin, Caleb Edwards, Dorsey Lightner, Richard Gonzalez, Jerry Spence


Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.


Eastern Washington University has not been able to identify the copyright holder and considers this an orphan work. If you have information about the rights holder, please contact Eastern Washington University Libraries, Archives & Special Collections at (509) 359-2475.

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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Redding (Calif.)
