
These images were scanned for Eastern Washington University by the Grangeville Smokejumper Base.
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A group portrait of the crew for the Grangeville Smokejumper base.
Front Row L-R: Ed Rice, Will Pfiester, John Orland.
Back Row L-R: Nick Maki, Ebben Lane, Paul Sokoloski, Bo Brooks, Riley Irwin, Sean O’Malley, Lee Trapp Luke Dixon Colson Schultz, Amanda Holt, Thomas Sommerville, Leif Rova, Brian Bornong Kyle Hoyt, Jacob Womack, Matt Hardwick, Garrett Zohner, Mike Blinn.
Not Pictured: Russ Frei, Patrick Gocke, Nick Stanzak, Ward Scanson, Nolen Humphrey, Mike Manion, Logan Fisher.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Nez Perce National Forest (Idaho), Smokejumpers -- United States -- Grangeville (Idaho), Grangeville Smokejumper Base