
These images were scanned for Eastern Washington University by the Grangeville Smokejumper Base.
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A group portrait of the crew for the Grangeville Smokejumper base.
Front row: Hartmut Bloemeke, Robin Embry, Timothy T. Tevebaugh, Chris Hertel, John"stealth" Davis, Kevin Lee, Dave Luger, Eric Shelton, Dan "the pup" Helterline, Ron "just passin' thru" Koenig.
Second row: Dick Hulla, Jim Reed (61echo pilot), Jay Tischendorf (helitack), Pete Eelkema, Paul Reevis, (kneeling) Salvador Garnica, Mitch Kearns, Chris Church, Chris Young, Randy Nelson, Walt "big bull" Currie, Ralph Weiche.
Third row: Daryl Cooper (DC-4co-pilot), Kjersti Howard (secretary), Scott Hocking (helitack), Gary Towle (DC-4pilot), Tim Adams (61echo fuel chauffeur), Bob Quirino (helitack foreman), Pete Leschak- (helitack), Scott Foster, Brad Sauer, Mike Briceno, Jumper 14, Cameron Lawrence, Alexander Allen, Pat Wilson, Dangerous Dave Stevens, Jon Foland, Dirk Reese, Captain Bob Nicol (Leading Edge pilot).
Missing: Leland Block, Terry Williamson, Bill Steck (Leading Edge relief pilot).
Background: Super DC-4 retardant plane.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Nez Perce National Forest (Idaho), Smokejumpers -- United States -- Grangeville (Idaho), Grangeville Smokejumper Base