
These images were scanned for Eastern Washington University by the Grangeville Smokejumper Base.
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A group portrait of the crew for the Grangeville Smokejumper base.
FRONT ROW: Mitch Pond, Leland Black, Randy Rowland, Bob Richardson, Ralph Weiche, Mitch Kearns, Kevin Lee, Dick Hulla, Cort Worthinton, Stephanie Wittman.
MIDDLE ROW: Mike Briceno, Pat Wilson, Jon Foland, Nick Sundt, Ian Barlow, Bill Martin, Hardy (Lugerhead) Bloemeke, Dave Stevens, Sal Garnica, Jim Reed, Scott Hooking, Dirk Reese, Bingo Bob, Chris Church, Dick(Phosdick Thompson, (Kneeling) Ron Koenig, Brian Ahshapanek (Rocky).
BACK THREE: John (Stealth) Davis, Dan Helterline, Randy Nelson.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Nez Perce National Forest (Idaho), Smokejumpers -- United States -- Grangeville (Idaho), Grangeville Smokejumper Base