
These images were scanned for Eastern Washington University by the Grangeville Smokejumper Base.
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A group portrait of the crew for the Grangeville Smokejumper base.
Front Row L-R Mel Misselle (retardent pilot), Al Cleveland (mixmaster), Mac McLaughlin, Frank Solf, Gary Lyon, Ted Kamrud, Bob Dettman, Ed Kowachek, Don Martinez, Don Stenberg, Mike Uszuko, Ron Fritsch, Geof Hochmuht.
Back Row L-R: Don Cady, Larry Dawson, John Crues (all helitack), Bill Woolworth, Milt Fredenburg, Homer Courville, (foreman), Norm Kamrud (sqldr), Jim Linville, Bernie Hilde (sqldr), John Fields, Lance Greenbank, Terry Williamson (helitack frmn, jumper sqldr), Neil Walstad (air center manager), Larry Wright, Bob Nichol (pilot).
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Nez Perce National Forest (Idaho), Smokejumpers -- United States -- Grangeville (Idaho), Grangeville Smokejumper Base