
The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
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A group portrait of the crew for the McCall Smokejumper base.
Left- Right: Luis Moraga, 2. Jim Norwell, 3. Tobin Orient, 4. Casey Czinski, 5. Ben Covault, 6. Kate Harrison, 7. Nate Giles, 8. Damon Nelson, 9. Jess Gilkey, 10. Jazz Beyuka, 11. Matt Ingram, 12. Jarrod Sayer, 13. Bronson Kimberling, 14. Sean Cronin, 15. Kelly Matthews, 16. Rob Krapfel, 17. JT Belton, 18. Oliver Wahlquist, 19. Mike Kolb, 20. Keith Suemnick, 21. Matt Summerfield, 22. Jason Foreman, 23. Joe Brinkley, 24. Jeff Schricker, 25. Zach Freudlich, 26. Matt Wideman, 27. Garrett Hudson, 28. Chris Lynde, 29. Dan Booth, 30. Zach Munk, 31. Grant Turpen, 32. Phil Metsker, 33. Grant Cooper, 34. Derek Hoban, 35. Kevin Anderson, 36. Zach Glover, 37. Reed Steele, 38. Steve Gonzales, 39. Unknown, 40. Sam Perkins, 41. Pat Romporti, 42. Colin Lanigan, 43. Phil Reid, 44. Adam Humbach, 45. Todd Haynes, 46. Kyle Esparza, 47. Todd Franzen, 48. Kurtis Ryan, 49. Damien Withen, 49. Damien Withen, 50. Travis Carson.
Missing (Not in Photo): Luke Bromley, Erik Berke, Marcus Swan, Kelly, Sensecqua, Brent Morrison, Eric Messenger, Joe Will, Matt Theis, Luke Theis, Zac Slay, Nick Siemer, Nate Rose, Kurtis Rios, Colin Hessel, Cody Carter, Clint Buchan-Barnett. Pilots: Ben Gleckler, Wes Smith, Tim Dehaas, Paden Hoover, Kris Nelson, Jordan Silver. Office: Cathy Anderson, Heather Larronde.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- McCall Ranger District (Idaho)