
The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
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A group portrait of the crew for the McCall Smokejumper base.
Front Row (L to R): Tom Koyama, Bob Charlie, Mike Feliciano, Hector Madrid, Pete Pride, Chris Schow, Kevan Richards, Jarrod Sayer, John Humphries, Brad Sanders, Patty Jacobsen.
2nd Row: Leo Cromwell, Todd Bryning, Dan Jarvis, Fred Pavlovic, Dennis McCoy, Joe Fox, Larry Wilson, Pat Withen, Mike Cooper, Sandi Hardin, Ted Spencer, Trudi Walker, Harriet Scheffey, Susie Barnett.
3rd Row: Chris Gustafson, Dennis Geving, Roger Staats, Steve Daigh, Jack Seagraves, John Carothers, Carl Seielstad, Dave Crawford, Jerry Ogawa.
Back Row (4th Row): Neal Davis, Tim Schaffer, Clark Noble, Chris Niccoli, Matt Bowers, Jim Morrison, Steve Mello, Francis Russo.
Missing (Not Pictured): Scott Anderson, Greg Beck, Bob Berney, Steve Bierman, Mark Brondum, Eric Brundige, Chuck Buescher, Jim Duzak, Tom Dwyer, Dan Felt, Rick Hudson, Joel Kerley, Berry Koncinsky, Tom Koyama, Kevin LaBella, Jeff McPhetridge, Mick Moore, Rob Morrow, Kelvin Palm, Dan Pierson, Frankie Romero, Chris Suppes, Mike Tyrrell, Marc Anderson, Terry Cullen, Matt Marmon, John Piekarski, Jay Thompson.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- McCall Ranger District (Idaho)