"McCall crew portrait, 1993" by unknown




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The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.

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A group portrait of the crew for the McCall Smokejumper base.

Front Row (Seated L to R): Richard "Catfish" Bates, Ken Meyers, Tom Koyama, Jack Seagraves, Mark Koontz, Robert Charley, Tome Dwyer, Kevin LaBella, Kevan Richards.

2nd Row: Todd Bryning, Ted Spencer, Brad Sanders, Jim Reid, James Hanson, Davis Crawford, Ryan Reid, Darren Marshall, Greg Beck, Roger Roth, Brett Bittenbender.

3rd Row: Dennis Geving, Roger Staats, Francis Russo, Richard Nieto, Eric Paieri, Amelia Scissons, Louis Hartjes, Berry Koncinsky, Leo Cromwell, Fred Pavolovic, Harriet Scheffey, John Freshwater, Shawn Wheeler, TJ Mule.

4th Row: Dan Jarvis, Eric Brundige, Frankie Romero, Hector, Madrid, Jim Duzak, Larry Wilson, Rick Hudson, Kelvin Palm, Pat Within, Michael Feliciano, Chris Suppes, Tim Schaeffer.

5th Row: Mark Brondum, Carl Seielstad, John Hinkel, Mike Tyrrell, Michael Cooper, Joe Fox, Steve Mello, Jeffery McPhetridge, Curtis Washington, Dalene Lemberes, Terry Cullen, Patty Jacobsen, Jim Morrison, Clark Noble, Steve Daigh, Scott Anderson, Pete Pride, Dale Shippelhoute, Tom Duffy, Bob Shoemaker, Dan Felt, Chuck Buescher.

Back Row (Top): Matt Harmon, Horace Comanche, Casey Maxwell.

Missing (Not Pictured): John Humphries, Mark Anderson, Terry Small, Dan Pierson, Ed Seth, John Carothers, Jim Thrash, Robert Morrow, Bart Yeager, Neal Davis, Gary Murphy.


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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- McCall Ranger District (Idaho)

