
The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
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A group portrait of the smokejumper crew for the Boise Smokejumper Base. Front row: Erik Hipke, Joel, Gosswilller, Davis Zuares, Alli Cushman, Erik Walker, Emil Magallanes, Billy Lee Rickard, Dave Vining, Erik Reynolds, Walt Wasser, George Steele, Tom Romanello, Tom Caughlin. Middle row: Dave Russel (pilot), Bill Werhane (WYS), Jerry Drazinski, Joel Kerley, Dennis Terry, Steve Price, Todd Jenkins, Matt Bowers, Tim Schaeffer, Bill Birmingham, Shannon Orr, Hector Madrid, Rich Zimmerlee, Kenny Franz. Back row: Mike Tupper, Scott Salisberry, Darryl Wittke, Todd Johnson, Phil Brollier, Brad Sauer, John Kawczinski, Mike Burin, Rhonda Steinman, John Curd, Greg Anderson (WYS), Tim Pettitt, Tony DeMasters, Mimi Scissons, Lee Svobada (pilot), Brent Johnson, Brady Collins, Bell Steck (pilot), Dan Arnold, Jim Olson, Neal Person, Bud Derham, John Hawkins, Bob Hurley, Kasey Rose, George Matthews (pilot), Sean Cross, Trent Hamilton. Not pictured: Marty Adell, Grant Beebe, Dave Estey, Jason Hofman, Ted Mason, Mark Motes, Chris Palmer.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Boise Interagency Fire Center