
The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
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A group portrait of the smokejumper crew for the Boise Smokejumper Base. Front row: Lowell Hansen, Doug Gochnour, Clarence Teichert, Louie Uranga, Julio Bilboa, Bob Steiner, Wayne Fields, Rick Hudson, Tony Beltran, Jim Steadman, Don Lillard. Back row: Jim Mauros, Mike Martischang, Herb Corn, John Snedden, Leo Cromwell, Frank Shoemaker, Jerry Ogawa, Bill Rember, Ron Nakatani, Ed Kral, Rudy Hartman (Pilot), John Piekarski (Pilot), Bryan Cox, Dan Stenberg. Not pictured: Jim Bachanan, Jim Coley (Clerk), John Cramer, Chris Hayne (Pilot), Ernie Hunter, Jim Larkin (Pilot), Roger Mello, Bob Montoya, Stan Ramsay, Gordon Simpson, Ed Smith.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Boise Interagency Fire Center