
The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
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A group portrait of the smokejumper crew for the Boise Smokejumper Base. Front row: George Hawes, Mark Nelson, Dewayne Fields, Tony Beltran, Evan Simmons, Pete Fallini, Karl Hartzell, Stan Nye (pilot). Middle row: Smokey Stover (base manager), Clarence Teichert, Darrell Taylor, John Cramer, Ken Burns, Bryant Cox, Frankie Shoemaker, Steve Carlson, Roger Mello. Back row: Don Lillard, Gordon Harris, Guy Hurlbutt, Bob Montoya, Stan Ramsay, Francis Mohr, Anell Slavik, Mike Boeck, John Purlee.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Boise Interagency Fire Center