
The original is at the Alaska Smokejumper Base at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Digital photographs of the photoboard were donated to Eastern Washington University by the National Smokejumper Association for the purpose of posting online.
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Portraits of smokejumpers from the Alaska smokejumper base. The jumpers are Mike Clarkson, Mike Silva, John Culbertson, Davis Perkins, Craig Herrin, Don Bell, Jim Clairmont, Bill Terrill, Charlie Wilber, Dave Mellin, Scott Bates, John Dube, Don Tienhaara, Jim McGehee, Tom Emerson, Dave Dunn, Ron Lund, Gordon Henson, Robert Quillin Gene Bartell, Skip Scott, Alan Dunton, Dave Pierce, John Rakowski, Pat Shearer, Bruce Ward, Bob Collins, Bruce Marshall, Bob Betts, Jimmie Pearce, Larry Ard, Greg Lee, Harry Lund, George Smith, Bob Karr, John Purlee, John Wallock, Gary Granquist, Gary Johnson, Murray Taylor, Bill Harro, Jon Klingel, Evan Simmons, Larry Vanderlinden, Matt Kelley, and Gary McMurtrey. The portraits were pieced together using Adobe Photoshop from portraits taken of a larger photo board delivered by Mike McMillan of the National Smokejumper Association. The arrangement of photographs may differ from the original.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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