"Alaska crew portrait, 1973" by unknown




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The original is at the Alaska Smokejumper Base at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Digital photographs of the photoboard were donated to Eastern Washington University by the National Smokejumper Association for the purpose of posting online.

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Portraits of smokejumpers from the Alaska smokejumper base. The jumpers are Al Dunton, Don Wahl, Gene Hobbs, C.J. Horner, Larry Vanderlinden, Gene Bartell, Dave Pierce, Jim Pearce, Leroy Cook, Mike Clarkson, George Smith, Jim Clairmont, Ron Lund, Pat Smearer, Larry Ard, Lance Stryker, Murry Taylor, John Culbertson, Willard Scott, Rad Carlson, Fred Rohrbach, Don Bell, Bob Quillin, Jan Lindh, Don Tienhaara, Dave Hahn, James McGehee, John Aloysius, Dennis Hakanson, Ralph Rhodes, John Rohrbach, Freddie Pete, Scott Bates, Bruce Ward, Mat Kelley, Ron Gardner, Charlie Wilber. Harry Lund, Jay Peterson, Len Paltino, Bruce Burling, Woodie Salmon, Dann Hall, Phil Brollier, Mike McMillan, Bill Harro, Dave Grendahl, John Rakowski, Don Kinsey, Bruce Marshall, Greg Lee, Cannon and Dave Engels. The portraits were pieced together using Adobe Photoshop from portraits taken of a larger photo board delivered by Mike McMillan of the National Smokejumper Association. The arrangement of photographs may differ from the original.


Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.


Eastern Washington University has not been able to identify the copyright holder and considers this an orphan work. If you have information about the rights holder, please contact Eastern Washington University Libraries, Archives & Special Collections at (509) 359-2475.

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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Alaska

