
The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
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Individual portraits of smokejumpers based in Alaska. The jumpers pictured in this portrait are:
Orville C. Looper, Louis A. Banta, Hans W. Trankle, David W. Bevan, Donald A. Brennan, Joel B. Chase, Robert D. Fleming, William R. Fogarty, Thomas H. Greiner, A. Glen Marlowe, Michael D. McCullough, Roy M. Percival, Donald C. Hansen, William J. Shears, Philip E. Clarke, Robert J. Herald.
The portraits were pieced together using Adobe Photoshop from portraits taken of a larger photo board delivered by Mike McMillian of the National Smokejumper Association. The arrangement of photographs may differ from the original.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
Eastern Washington University has not been able to identify the copyright holder and considers this an orphan work. If you have information about the the rights holder, please contact Eastern Washington University Libraries, Archives & Special Collections at (509) 359-2475.
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