
The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
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The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
A group portrait of the Smokejumper crew for the Redmond Smokejumper Base. The names of the crew members have been added below the portrait. Front row (L-R): Mark Jackson, Karl Petty, Dirk Reese, Jim Reeve, Kevin Gilbert, Steve Cross, Mark Ditter, Henry Falcon. Middle row (L-R): Tom Bowen, Joe Reinarz, Mike Lysne, Dale Lehnertz, Mike Lamkin, Jere Seguin, Jim Beekman, Ted Wise, Phil Armour, Dean Johnson, Scott Fairchild (pilot). Back Row (L-R): Mark Corbet, Carl Dammann, Ron Tallman, Tony Navarro, Morgan Leach, Bob Lightley, Tim Milligan, Chuck Healam, Ron Rucker, Bob Madden, Doug Houston, P. Iverson (pilot).
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Redmond (Or.), Aircraft