
The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
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The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
A group portrait of the Smokejumper crew for the Redmond Smokejumper Base. The names of the crew members have been added below the portrait. Front row (L-R): S. Ells (pilot), Ray Searcy (pilot), John Twiss, Dick Lorz, Ted Taylor, John Short, Jim Thomason, Jerry Hunter, Ron Morlan, Orin Corak, Bob Piatt, Greg Pothoff, Myron Richter, D. Laustrop (pilot). Middle row (L-R): B. Estes (pilot), B. Comfort (pilot), Karl Petty, Craig Graber, Mike Baird, Dewey Warner, Phil Kerfoot, Curt Juhl, Doug Houston, Todd Trantham, Craig Burns, Bob Bolton, Dale Longanecker, Skinny Beals, Dave Wood, Gary Ricketts. Back row (L-R): Dick Bassett (pilot), S. Lone (pilot), I. McAndie (pilot), Dave Bohning, Bill Bayless, Dallas Berringer, Dan Yedinak, Bruce Wright, Greg Lambert, Steve Oxborrow, Alan Wruck, Scott Rosin, Rickert Foster, Mike Sessions, Duane Weiss, Keith Davies, Jerry Williams, Mike Carnahan, James Damitio, Walt Congleton, Hal Weinmann.
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Redmond (Or.), Aircraft