
University Photograph Collection - Groups & Activities (EWU-007-0582_04_20_05).
Document Type
Creation Date
Date Information
circa 1957
Physical Description
6.75" x 4.5" black and white print
Photograph of students in a play at Martin Laboratory School. A student dressed all in white with a large flat white cap lies on a raised platform covered in a sheer sheet. In front of the platform stands a girl in a black dress, hat, and veil, pointing somewhere out of frame. Behind the platform crouch two other kids, one is in a bowler hat with antenna attached and another is in the same all white outfit and cap as the boy lying down. In the background are extremely large flowers and the threads of a large spider web. The back of the physical image reads "Elementary School Play - 'Once Upon a Clothesline'."
Eastern Washington University Archives and Special Collections
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Martin Laboratory School (Eastern Washington University) -- Students, Eastern Washington College of Education, Theatrical productions