
University Photograph Collection - Groups & Activities (EWU-007-0582_04_18_05).
Document Type
Creation Date
Date Information
circa 1939
Physical Description
9" x 7.25" black and white print
Photograph of a practise for a play at Martin Laboratory School. On the left side of the image, a girl leans against a piano that a boy is playing, with a book titled "Peter Pan's Picture Suite" on the music desk. To the right of them are two girls who seem to be singing while holding a book titled "The Robyn-Hanks Harmony" open between them. On the right of the image are three girls posed with their hands up and left foot raised. This is probably a practise for a performance/play. Based on the drawings of snow on the wall, a weather report warning of cold temperatures and snow on the board, and a snowman decoration on the piano, it may be for a Christmas/Holiday show.
Eastern Washington University Archives and Special Collections
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Martin Laboratory School (Eastern Washington University) -- Students, Eastern Washington College of Education, Theatrical productions