
University Photograph Collection - Groups & Activities (EWU-007-0582_04_07_02).
Document Type
Creation Date
Date Information
circa 1939
Physical Description
9.5" x 7.5" black and white print
Photograph of three students at Martin Laboratory School observing a hen in a cardboard box. Two girls stand on chairs, overlooking the hen on the table, while a boy stands at the other side of the table. This may be a form of experiential learning where children learned arithmetic from counting the number of eggs the hen laid and how many days she would sit on them. Students would also write stories about the hen and read them aloud. "M. Mcgrath" is written on the back of the photograph and may stand for Margaret Mcgrath, a Professor in Elementary Education at Eastern Washington College of Education circa 1939.
Eastern Washington University Archives and Special Collections
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Martin Laboratory School (Eastern Washington University) -- Students, Eastern Washington College of Education, Experiential learning