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Date of Award

Spring 1993


Access perpetually restricted to EWU users with an active EWU NetID

Document Type

Thesis: EWU Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS) in Computer Science


Computer Science


Control system design and analysis is computationally complex and includes a wide range of tools to aid the engineer. For discrete systems the z-transform is one such tool. This paper discusses the development and application of a computer program which utilizes the z-transform in the analysis of univariate, linear, time-invariant discrete control systems. The analysis approach used in this project is termed "outside- in", since it begins with known output and input signals, and proceeds "inward" to analyze the resultant system transfer function. This approach is the converse of the traditional "inside-out" approach which begins with the transfer function and computes the output. We begin with an introduction of control systems and proceed to the theory underlying the z-transform. Then follows a brief discussion of Laguerre's method of finding the roots of polynomials, which is utilized in the program. Next, program development is presented, followed by a detailed discussion of two representative test cases. A complete program listing is included in the appendices, as well as test data and program results.
