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Date of Award

Spring 2023


Access perpetually restricted to EWU users with an active EWU NetID

Document Type

Thesis: EWU Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS) in Computer Science


Computer Science


The objective of this thesis is the improvement of FastDVDNet’s temporal performance within the video denoising problem space. Video denoising refers to the removal of undesired artifacts, or noise, from a given video sequence. Due to the temporal nature of video sequences, flickering or temporal artifacts remain after denoising. TempFormer, another video denoising model, recently created a solution that provides state of the art results for the minimization of flickering. After modification of FastDVDNet, the goal is a model with fast inference time, or time to denoise a frame, and reduced flickering. The solution will primarily cover the modification of FastDVDNet’s high-level architecture and loss function. Additionally, the problem space of video denoising and methods of determining a model’s performance are explored. The content will focus on a grounds-up approach for both understanding and reproducing the results that follow.
