"Conversion form structured programming to an object-oriented programmi" by Daryl Edward Krauter

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Date of Award

Spring 1986


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Document Type

Thesis: EWU Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS) in Computer Science


Computer Science


Structured programming languages have been in use for several decades. Each of these languages has different techniques for promoting modularity. As a result of those techniques, computing professionals have become accustomed to the notlon that data and procedures are separate entities. Object-oriented programming languages replace data and procedures with the notions of activity, communication, and inheritance. Since these languages are relatively new, and not well understood, they are not used as often as their predecessors, structured programming languages; even though benefits (listed in the next paragraph) could be achieved by doing so. The best features of object-oriented languages are: modularity, data hiding, data abstraction, overloading, late binding, and inheritance. Many of today's languages support a few of these features, but, not as readily. In fact, many of these benefits can be achieved by a good modular design in conventional languages. Replacing structured programming languages is not suggested. Instead, a method is presented for the conversion of structured programming to an object- oriented structure. In Chapter 2, the groundwork is laid with some basic concepts. In Chapter 3,the two methodologies are compared by looking at some of the beneficial features in existing procedure-oriented languages. In Chapter 4, an algorithm is given for guaranteeing optimal structuring within an application. Chapter 5 is the blueprint for the conversion of any structured program to an object-oriented structure. In Chapter 6, a conclusion is given and four unanswered questions which require further research is presented. Finally, in the Appendix, an example of an actual program and its converted version is given. Explanations of the steps of the development are also provided.
