"Citizens Review Panel" by Patricia R. Vazanko

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Date of Award

Winter 1994


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Document Type

Thesis: EWU Only

Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Master of Public Administration


The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the effectiveness of the Citizens Review Panel ln the City of Spokane which was implemented September of 1992. It is the belief of the writer of this paper that the Citizens Review Panel was developed in haste and is not performing the objectives for which it was established to meet the needs of the citizens it was established to serve. To test this hypothesis, I completed a case study of Spokane's Citizens Review Panel and found that my hypothesis is currently accurate. It is believed with a second year of operation the Citizens Review Panel may become a viable alternative for citizens to file a complaint against the Police Department. This writer recommends a structural change occur in the voting procedures and how individuals are appointed to the Panel for it to become effective in completing its purpose.
