"Adult chemical dependency and childhood communication deficits" by Stormi Gail Olsen

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Date of Award

Summer 1997


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Document Type

Thesis: EWU Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS) in Communication Disorders


Communication Disorders


148 individuals from the Spokane-area chemical dependency recovery community filled out questionnaires describing their histories of communication deficits and substance abuse. Childhood histories of communication deficits were reported by 11% (N = 16) of the 148 respondents. Of those, articulation, language, and undefined communication deficits were reported at frequencies of 75% (N = 12), 6% (N = 1), and 19% (N=3) respectively. In addition, 16% (N = 23) of the study population reported communication deficits that either persisted from childhood (N = 8) or had adult onset (N=15). The incidence of communication deficits reported by the study population of chemically dependent adults is more than three times the rate reported for the United States population at large. This notable difference supports the argument that there may be a relationship between communication deficits and chemical dependency and signals a need for further research in this domain.
