"Policy goals and economic incentives: the case of sheltered workshops" by Agnes Alene Anderson

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Date of Award

Fall 1978


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Document Type

Thesis: EWU Only

Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Master of Public Administration


This treatice developed out of an observed need to more closely align the implementation function of public organizations with government goals and objectives. Sheltered workshops were chosen as the organization to examine. The rehabilitation policy, the implementation process, and the regulatory controls are ciearly delineated. An economic model is utilized to show how the organizational process deviates from government policy and how, by manipulating the process through incentives, the agency can be motivated to more socially optimal performance. The conceptual paradigm for the paper is in three parts: first, a process orientation taken from the Institutional School; secondly, identification of the functioning management rationale; and finally, the role of incentives in socially optimal performance. By emphasizing the significance of process, management rationale, and organizational incentives, an economic model of sheltered workshops is formulated. In turn, the model shows a significant division between the goal of rehabilitation and the performance of sheltered workshops. The model further provides a framework for resolving this discrepancy. In conclusion, this study suggests that similar analysis be used to examine other public service agencies.
