"Modeling document classification to automate mental health diagnosis" by William M. Tadlock

Date of Award

Summer 2022


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Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS) in Computer Science


Computer Science


The objective of this study is to determine if diagnosis documents can be used with document classification to automatically diagnose mental health conditions. Document classification allows text documents to be analyzed and organized into their appropriate classes based on the features and words presented in the text. One application of this is within the medical field to automatically classify different patient diagnosis based on medical or patient notes. This research applied mental health diagnosis documents to automatically diagnose a group of patients with a mental health condition based on text-based survey data. This classification was approached through several feature engineering and machine learning models to determine the optimal methods for diagnosis classification. A model was created that successfully classified diagnosis documents to their appropriate mental health condition, but due to limitation in the patient dataset, no model successfully classified patient diagnoses.
